发布时间 2024-03-14 08:46:43
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudmux
14 commits to cloudmux - v3.11.1 since this release.
Bug Fixes (13)
- 同步lb安全组信息 (86291efd, Qu Xuan)
- support ipv6 for secgroup (0f49143f, Qu Xuan)
- apsara: remove expire time for apsara (4a6b4c1b, Qu Xuan)
- azure: subnet prefix addr (2f4d053b, Qu Xuan)
- azure: eip associate type (4bad5016, Qu Xuan)
- ctyun: image list page size (ab890502, Qu Xuan)
- ctyun: metric support (bd63cf16, Qu Xuan)
- huawei: avoid sync lb backend panic (6f2053ff, Qu Xuan)
- huawei: ignore invalid nat sync (7248a46e, Qu Xuan)
- huawei: 支持公网NAT (d3c8eded, Qu Xuan)
- huawei: avoid panic when sync huawei disk (f22fa1ce, Qu Xuan)
- qcloud: nat field changed (e86aa860, Qu Xuan)
- volc: support snapshot (8fea9fd8, ioito)
Code Refactoring (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods
62 commits to cloudpods - v3.11.1 since this release.
Bug Fixes (55)
- vpcagent always do full sync, disable incremental sync (#19629) (31b3432189, Jian Qiu)
- donot use insertOrUpdate for create joint resources (#19651) (73c3683529, Jian Qiu)
- handle label separator in organization tag value (#19574) (cf4e1fd15d, Jian Qiu)
- network ip match recode to fix dameng INET_ATON support (#19655) (c180066c95, Jian Qiu)
- always add static routes for default nic (6b26413077, Qiu Jian)
- tokenCache newInformer fail (23ab9b6cd6, Qiu Jian)
- make authManager a singleton (b4039038a4, Qiu Jian)
- network address details compatible with dameng (#19687) (69ec88a05f, Jian Qiu)
- host-deploy options struct consistent with host options (#19695) (299846783d, Jian Qiu)
- support OpenCloudOS, OpenKylin, Alma, UOSDesktop (#19528) (9228a973a8, Jian Qiu)
- webconsole command log empty opstime (#19683) (54925e8de4, Jian Qiu)
- support db checksum algorithm of SHA256 (#19681) (be449a610a, Jian Qiu)
- cloudmon: support ctyun vm metric (#19635) (55d966bca9, 屈轩)
- host: load guest desc hpet and video1 dev (#19531) (4513e4beb6, wanyaoqi)
- host: qga set network flush ipv4 address (#19671) (5bc8219e56, wanyaoqi)
- host: backup guest dirty shutdown (#19621) (8d5c516540, wanyaoqi)
- host-deployer: support deploy encrypted disk (#19639) (0fbd11fa07, wanyaoqi)
- influxdb: support set timeout (#19600) (d522db3f8c, gouqi11)
- keystone: domain-list with delete-all options (#19577) (b8db3e5f09, 屈轩)
- keystone: optimized domain-list query (#19556) (8888107741, 屈轩)
- keystone: support filter project by multi admin user (#19540) (341fe8d5a5, 屈轩)
- keystone: support unset project admin user (#19538) (3a357b343d, 屈轩)
- monitor: add target for suggestRuleListInput (#19554) (52b08e6e3e, gouqi11)
- notify: add capability for notify config (#19569) (2fa97cd09a, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update for qcloud nat sync (#19677) (d4d8028dea, 屈轩)
- region: avoid update network dns panic (#19698) (47baaf6297, 屈轩)
- region: sync account project (#19644) (89307a4ae9, 屈轩)
- region: dissociate eip when vm deleted (#19647) (d3017e5ca3, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update for azure associate type (#19625) (7cf03d7a7e, 屈轩)
- region: 未开启三级权限允许云账号更改项目 (#19613) (7467c6de6a, 屈轩)
- region: sync empty security groups (#19516) (1c94dac7b6, 屈轩)
- region: raw query with delete-all options (#19604) (5ab009f7e9, 屈轩)
- region: avoid sync huawei lb backend panic (#19590) (a35243f26c, 屈轩)
- region: ctyun api page size must le 50 (#19585) (ed67e20b04, 屈轩)
- region: add secgroup filter for rds and redis (#19583) (147af900c6, 屈轩)
- region: exit no longer affects managed network (#19659) (87c001b0b8, 屈轩)
- region: skip sync apsara expired time (#19580) (cb77c0e21f, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update for sync azure network cidr (#19662) (70f666d262, 屈轩)
- region: support huawei public nat (#19575) (6581ab2202, 屈轩)
- region: refactor lb acl and cert (#19518) (98a8d28e09, 屈轩)
- region: remove useless code (#19567) (cd47b45f57, 屈轩)
- region: sync by external project with enable project sync (#19520) (bac856527d, 屈轩)
- region: sync lb secgroup (#19523) (5cab69547a, 屈轩)
- region: avoid panic when network is nil (#19718) (ebf5e3cf90, 屈轩)
- region: update rescuing status to rescue (#19543) (629c9982ab, wanyaoqi)
- region: ipv6 cidr sync for network (#19703) (153ea3a1d2, 屈轩)
- region: compatible with v3.9 vm cdrom (#19637) (2818e47d90, 屈轩)
- region: support secgroup ipv6 (#19542) (abe226008a, 屈轩)
- scheduler: unsued key (7cbff93e0d, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: skip network exit check (#19665) (7156c24d68, 屈轩)
- util: fix excelutils set emptu cell (#19525) (6186e73608, gouqi11)
- webconsole: show link file info (#19692) (69202744a2, 屈轩)
- webconsole: sftp download utf8 filename (#19709) (25a2f3a3ed, 屈轩)
- webconsole: sftp return file mode info (#19675) (0504084f25, 屈轩)
- webconsole: file mode (#19657) (3b8acbc2e2, 屈轩)
Feature (1)
- dameng database support (#19571) (45c399066f, Jian Qiu)
Features (2)
- host: disable guest hpet timer by default (#19535) (e62b5c1fc2, wanyaoqi)
- region,host: support shared driver by lvmlockd (#19611) (7c6616d1dc, wanyaoqi)
Others (4)
- Automated cherry pick of #19609: Hotfix/qj organization node label contains separator2 (#19610) (6e820b1945, Jian Qiu)
- update vendor 20240303 (#19607) (e79a81eb0a, Jian Qiu)
- Fix/create from iso set os distro (#19547) (6282060ab2, wanyaoqi)
- Fix/guest image live migrate (#19558) (103ec2220e, wanyaoqi)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-operator
5 commits to cloudpods-operator - v3.11.1 since this release.
Bug Fixes (2)
- webconsole sftp url rewrite (8841afa4, Qu Xuan)
- update vendor to ensure generated password startswith letters (310b1325, Qiu Jian)
Feature (1)
Others (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/dashboard
33 commits to dashboard - v3.11.1 since this release.
Bug Fixes (20)
- 修复Azure中国区账号更新账单文件问题 (189c9773b, easy-mj)
- 虚拟机详情透传设备展示信息剔除USB类型 (b5cccc261, easy-mj)
- vpc external_access_mode for onpremise (4ed521d19, QIU Jian)
- add regin and account info for lb acl and cert (e13c0eb41, ioito)
- volcengine support snapshot (ef946e92b, ioito)
- eslint (402fb425d, easy-mj)
- remove lb acl and cert cache tab (11f79f17d, Qu Xuan)
- rescue status (6f7aa1690, easy-mj)
- update rescue status (a31173e63, easy-mj)
- 修复虚拟机详情页面透传设备显示问题 (fb0e31250, easy-mj)
- 9530: 标签过滤加载更多,已有标签未归类会重复出现 (bd043d4a9, GuoLiBin6)
- 9543: Add hidden judgment for list items (c763c5754, GuoLiBin6)
- 9578: 新建公有云Redis时,instance-specs接口少传provider和cloudregion的参数 (758388dd8, easy-mj)
- 9617: 域管理后台不能新建k8s集群 (96bf0bb82, easy-mj)
- 9636: 域管理后台新建用户,请求项目接口去掉project_domain_id=default (29473c90c, easy-mj)
- 9639: 单列表展示100条数据,做一个操作后,备注修改无效 (d6c051740, easy-mj)
- 9658: 时间组件优化 (ca3de6dc2, GuoLiBin6)
- 9664: tags filter params (ffaef956d, GuoLiBin6)
- 9674: change brand icons to color (ba39bf8fa, GuoLiBin6)
- 9691: organization refresh method add check param (92d29c2a3, GuoLiBin6)
Features (13)
- 虚拟机远程连接地址区分线上及开发环境 (46683e903, easy-mj)
- 镜像修改属性发行版增加openeuler (d8458d7e0, easy-mj)
- 4722: extend table (2e9f3b16a, GuoLiBin6)
- 4722: table filter set filter options item error (0550ce4d2, GuoLiBin6)
- 4748: project mapping rules delete add dialog (73833f5d7, GuoLiBin6)
- 4756: 支持azure国际账单存储桶 (2d99596bd, easy-mj)
- 4767: project list show project admin (487ac71ce, GuoLiBin6)
- 4767: project list show project admin (9d80cd79f, GuoLiBin6)
- 4770: 镜像过滤增加OpenKylin, OpenCloudOS, AlmaLinux, UOSDesktop (3e6b232a8, easy-mj)
- 4770: 增加OpenKylin, OpenCloudOS, AlmaLinux, UOSDesktop的图标 (bcbaddc0b, easy-mj)
- 4775: LB支持安全组,安全组关联实例根据不同资源类型分类 (b7abfef9e, easy-mj)
- 9712: 资源标签优化及 问题处理 (8c153ec77, easy-mj)
- v3.10: 虚拟机增加配置网卡的状态 (e4c35a485, easy-mj)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/kubecomps
3 commits to kubecomps - v3.11.1 since this release.
Bug Fixes (3)
- kubeserver automatically purge spitable logs (f662ba77, Qiu Jian)
- compability issues and add github test flow (eeda51c7, Qiu Jian)
- update vendor 20240305 (2e22e267, Qiu Jian)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/ocboot
10 commits to ocboot - v3.11.1 since this release.
Bug Fixes (4)
- autoupdate,clickhouse: fix autoupdate clickhouse db issue (0dee5f3, Zhang Dongliang)
- upgrade,offline: 升级相关目录确保存在 (af00664, Zhang Dongliang)
- version: 二进制版本检测容错 (062d52e, Zhang Dongliang)
- version: 3.11 版本升级到3.11.0 (0441c25, Zhang Dongliang)
Features (1)
- cloud: ocboot 默认开启火山引擎(从3.11) (58c81c6, Zhang Dongliang)
Hotfix (1)
- ansible assert mark embedded variable unsafe (f82bf48, Zhang Dongliang)
Others (4)
- refactor of latest_packages vars (db1e36e, Zhang Dongliang)
- misc os compatibilities (a5ac4f2, Zhang Dongliang)
- ocboot 去掉火山引擎的开关(在operator实现) (8df428c, Zhang Dongliang)
- almalinux comp (78f23bf, Zhang Dongliang)