发布时间 2024-02-29 07:44:33
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudmux
8 commits to cloudmux - v3.10.13 since this release.
Bug Fixes (8)
- vendor update (70635963, Qu Xuan)
- update vendor (8a8939c7, Qu Xuan)
- azure: region code (92bbd596, ioito)
- esxi: migrate vm choices usable datastore (8902501f, ioito)
- openstack: support https for openstack (9af5b088, ioito)
- proxmox: details error info (8db4abc8, ioito)
- qcloud: nat status (e3eff5e6, ioito)
- qcloud: delete vm with disks (5760f3c8, ioito)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods
28 commits to cloudpods - v3.10.13 since this release.
Bug Fixes (24)
- invalid token request too frequent (#19490) (3253857e94, Jian Qiu)
- validate policy violation when assign users for oidc IDP (9fcde5f2cc, Qiu Jian)
- support OpenCloudOS, OpenKylin, Alma, UOSDesktop (#19529) (309af994d8, Jian Qiu)
- sync unknown guest status when host ping (#19383) (5d895393d2, Jian Qiu)
- backport cephutils to 3.10/3.9 (#19545) (cf5208c9c5, Jian Qiu)
- sync error (#19414) (0ba359589a, Jian Qiu)
- apigateway: ignore empty rows when registering baremetal host (#19353) (2c0e7fd689, Zexi Li)
- common: auto disable 3des cipher suites (#19393) (e0d967b85d, 屈轩)
- host: script start guest donot force restart on monitor timeout (#19502) (112f4ebfc3, wanyaoqi)
- host: init from guest mem obj miss size (fe7412761a, wanyaoqi)
- host: load guest desc hpet and video1 dev (#19532) (bb25345eaf, wanyaoqi)
- host-deployer: elfherader fd leak (#19473) (051025e944, wanyaoqi)
- host-deployer: check sshclient is nil on disconnect (5f4e8d2d3d, wanyaoqi)
- host-deployer: xfs unlock panic (#19456) (c0efb08381, wanyaoqi)
- host-deployer: escape back quote (#19358) (e15d5332ba, wanyaoqi)
- region: avoid filesystem sync error (#19437) (8e836e5baf, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update for openstack https support (#19495) (e9a29645eb, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update for qcloud nat status (#19514) (26dbb92fda, 屈轩)
- region: cloudpods deploy api (#19448) (90265c3191, 屈轩)
- region: qcloud disks delete when vm deleted (#19454) (79a5e8063c, 屈轩)
- region: add read only filter for account and provider (#19470) (8462776b4d, 屈轩)
- scheduledtask: fix deletedResource task (#19429) (319ac1b782, gouqi11)
- scheduler: unsued key (0051cc6aae, Zexi Li)
- util: fix excelutils set emptu cell (#19526) (220a908707, gouqi11)
Features (1)
- region,host: guest numa allocate (#19400) (0bb4fb9944, wanyaoqi)
Others (3)
- Automated cherry pick of #19547: Fix/create from iso set os distro (#19549) (abc4558b24, wanyaoqi)
- Automated cherry pick of #19558: Fix/guest image live migrate (#19560) (1e88f4cd24, wanyaoqi)
- Automated cherry pick of #19440: fix: tenant cache sync deleted projects (#19442) (95d93f80de, Jian Qiu)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-operator
1 commits to cloudpods-operator - v3.10.13 since this release.
Bug Fixes (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/dashboard
26 commits to dashboard - v3.10.13 since this release.
Bug Fixes (25)
- 存储桶对象列表生成临时url接口参数,将名称修改为id (dc9053196, easy-mj)
- 虚拟机详情透传设备展示信息剔除USB类型 (e2ebabc83, easy-mj)
- 修复虚拟机详情页面透传设备显示问题 (ad1205754, easy-mj)
- fail to create ip network in project view (72429d10f, QIU Jian)
- 19462: 云账号改为只读模式后新建公有云虚拟机依然可以选中 (34581be74, easy-mj)
- 19462: 指定云订阅增加只读过滤处理 (f21fd648e, easy-mj)
- 9154: 定时任务详情和列表策略时间不一致 (6c03ace7a, easy-mj)
- 9189: 虚拟机监控看不到内存使用率 (7615bc453, easy-mj)
- 9405: 套餐列表应该默认勾选按量付费 (643169bdd, easy-mj)
- 9425: 重置密码权限勾选后还是不能操作 (e28d9897a, easy-mj)
- 9427: 天翼云极速型硬盘翻译 (66031b20f, easy-mj)
- 9472: 新建windows的虚拟机时,数据盘有挂载点 (021547bca, easy-mj)
- 9486: 新建接收人需要添加limit,用户 环境加载特别慢。需要支持搜索和批量加载 (19913b0ad, boss_think@163.com)
- 9545: 新建公有云账号配置同步资源区域,不支持分页 (6a219f707, easy-mj)
- 9546: 公有云虚拟机调整配置,数据盘容量传参错误 (24dc3fe5d, boss_think@163.com)
- 9554: pve支持VNC连接 (b875d454e, easy-mj)
- 9554: pve支持VNC连接 (aa49e3e18, easy-mj)
- 9574: 新建代理弹窗,点击连接测试无响应 (d56f7c753, easy-mj)
- 9578: 新建公有云Redis时,instance-specs接口少传provider和cloudregion的参数 (ebaaae8da, easy-mj)
- 9606: 缺省普通用户登陆平台时,project_sharing_accounts接口报403 (dc89c3d16, boss_think@163.com)
- 9610: 第三方登陆图片hover信息应该加下认证源的name (952c64e27, boss_think@163.com)
- 9617: 域管理后台不能新建k8s集群 (010791095, easy-mj)
- 9625: 使用镜像仓库新建deployment或其他资源时,镜像tag是用英文冒号拼接,不应该是反斜杠 (016540c9a, boss_think@163.com)
- 9636: 域管理后台新建用户,请求项目接口去掉project_domain_id=default (799f3faa3, easy-mj)
- 9639: 单列表展示100条数据,做一个操作后,备注修改无效 (7ca026ab3, easy-mj)
Features (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/kubecomps
1 commits to kubecomps - v3.10.13 since this release.
Bug Fixes (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/ocadm
1 commits to ocadm - v3.10.13 since this release.
Bug Fixes (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/ocboot
6 commits to ocboot - v3.10.13 since this release.
Bug Fixes (6)
- autoupdate,clickhouse: fix autoupdate clickhouse db issue (3752280, Zhang Dongliang)
- check: hostname check (18d08a4, Zhang Dongliang)
- kernel-check: always reboot host node (b7273b0, wanyaoqi)
- misc,repo,bin: ocadm version check minor (3cbe81c, Zhang Dongliang)
- upgrade,offline: 升级相关目录确保存在 (2427c39, Zhang Dongliang)
- version: 版本更新到v3.10.12 (d3974ba, Zhang Dongliang)
- check: hostname check (18d08a4, Zhang Dongliang)
- kernel-check: always reboot host node (b7273b0, wanyaoqi)
- misc,repo,bin: ocadm version check minor (3cbe81c, Zhang Dongliang)
- upgrade,offline: 升级相关目录确保存在 (2427c39, Zhang Dongliang)
- version: 版本更新到v3.10.12 (d3974ba, Zhang Dongliang)
ocboot - v3.10.13: https://github.com/yunionio/ocboot/compare/v3.10.12...v3.10.13