发布时间 2024-06-04 11:39:23
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudmux
17 commits to cloudmux - v3.11.4 since this release.
Bug Fixes (17)
- update hostname (5baea5b3, Qu Xuan)
- go mod vendor (79521ed7, Qu Xuan)
- add cc list for waf (7fd40408, Qu Xuan)
- sync hostname (1885602a, Qu Xuan)
- vendor update (ff967d0f, Qu Xuan)
- aliyun: aliyun waf v2 (64b61186, Qu Xuan)
- azure: web app ip addr (d1c44ec4, Qu Xuan)
- azure: web app attr (66214def, Qu Xuan)
- azure: web app (70678d93, Qu Xuan)
- azure: lb sync (8f0012be, Qu Xuan)
- esxi: avoid concurrent map read and map write (26707f0b, Qu Xuan)
- huawei: avoid empty resp panic (3c619e52, Qu Xuan)
- oracle: oracle storage should be emulated (5bef64ce, Qu Xuan)
- qcloud: qcloud waf (a02fa932, Qu Xuan)
- qcloud: add waf upstream info (f6b6d8be, Qu Xuan)
- region: force account read only (9472e3ca, Qu Xuan)
- zstack: shared storage (95f4a111, Qu Xuan)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods
63 commits to cloudpods - v3.11.4 since this release.
Bug Fixes (57)
- allow update network server_type (#20355) (6b53d47253, Jian Qiu)
- hostbackupstorage climc subcmds (#20286) (6546056fbf, Jian Qiu)
- ceph stats backward compatible with ceph 12.x (#20221) (fb5da2667a, Jian Qiu)
- storagecachedimages details speedup (#20232) (84b8111341, Jian Qiu)
- cachedimage sync tenant_id (#20237) (c432a59298, Jian Qiu)
- haproxy check parammeters with default value (#20417) (12668a71cb, Jian Qiu)
- glance import xz compressed images (#20409) (db48b7519b, Jian Qiu)
- mv filterclause from pkg to onecloud (#20405) (03494857be, Zexi Li)
- secgroup init rule CIDR should be empty for both ipv4 and ipv6 (#20346) (fb39f7c3a1, Jian Qiu)
- set disk status when requesting disk reset (#20194) (98367e7f47, Jian Qiu)
- climc: oraclecloud feature (#20203) (da16872cfd, 屈轩)
- host: ignore disk not found on disk delete handler (#20175) (4765550813, wanyaoqi)
- host: wrap disk probed error (#20386) (8c9357ac99, Zexi Li)
- hostman: change userdata.sh mode (#20183) (fff5cd1a23, Jian Qiu)
- keystone: avoid panic (#20435) (19e064d887, 屈轩)
- keystone: enable user (#20455) (73c30aa8ae, 屈轩)
- mcclient: read me (#20117) (a21370c96a, 屈轩)
- monitor: multiple metrics query of alert (#20169) (a981235aed, Zexi Li)
- monitor: multiple monitor resource alert (#20364) (913169f7c4, Zexi Li)
- monitor: alert panic (#20147) (3c977a1f4a, Zexi Li)
- monitor: filter alerts by monitor_resource_id (#20135) (e556efa8b0, Zexi Li)
- monitor: query monitor_resource_alert by monitor_resource_id is not working (#20130) (795ebbd5e9, Zexi Li)
- monitor: multiple monitor resource alert (#20367) (cb01f13b53, Zexi Li)
- monitor: detach alert (#20374) (ab9f65fed2, Zexi Li)
- notify: change receiver owner (#20399) (bbed855100, gouqi11)
- notify: message add medium tag (#20421) (5de92baa9d, gouqi11)
- region: webapp custom domains (#20304) (24ac759245, 屈轩)
- region: add modelarts capability (#20216) (641410bf35, gouqi11)
- region: add currency rate exchange (#20321) (dece32cbe8, 屈轩)
- region: query distinct fields (#20300) (b8b48b4d6e, 屈轩)
- region: set cloud provider disconnect when sync region error (#20291) (a9c166d8fd, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update for aliyun waf (#20331) (b0ff819b22, 屈轩)
- region: remove waf cache (#20283) (b65abfe76a, 屈轩)
- region: sync waf ssl and cc list (#20447) (5b4013114e, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update for web app (#20269) (cdde2bafa1, 屈轩)
- region: azure web app (#20266) (7f11f43f0f, 屈轩)
- region: return origin error on fetch joint item failed (#20252) (422c3aeaba, wanyaoqi)
- region: sync public ip convert eip (#20327) (f91ceb84b1, 屈轩)
- region: currency rate exchange (#20335) (78a18320d1, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update for waf info sync (#20340) (f5cf42a511, 屈轩)
- region: zstack shared block storage (#20226) (f7b227274b, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update for qcloud waf (#20310) (a21dba1d17, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update for azure lb sync (#20213) (242b87f395, 屈轩)
- region: account read only (#20345) (dabf9b4f49, 屈轩)
- region: distinct fields (#20358) (ec11fc7b59, 屈轩)
- region: add enable auto sync resource field (#20189) (5366526d0e, 屈轩)
- region: remove storagecachedimage (#20186) (547680a6e2, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update for sqlchemy click decimal field (#20363) (c75c77e405, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update (#20390) (8545faf413, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update for web app ip addr sync (#20393) (a7b5f47ac7, 屈轩)
- region: update public cloud provider (#20166) (7996cce2e9, 屈轩)
- region: sync hostname (#20124) (b49c22b749, 屈轩)
- region: oracle storage should be emulated (#20414) (526b3f55d1, 屈轩)
- region: storagecacheresource panic on FetchCustomizeColumns (#20427) (d5eed29ac1, wanyaoqi)
- region: allow update hostname (#20127) (7ce25f00bd, 屈轩)
- region,host: slvm default deactivate on hosts (#20381) (ecad5735c5, wanyaoqi)
- region,host: slvm misc fix (#20270) (cafb619a9f, wanyaoqi)
Feature (1)
- automatically clean obsolete images from host iamge cache (#20218) (b13b0725e1, Jian Qiu)
Features (4)
- climc: feature config (#20394) (55e04f3ba6, Zexi Li)
- host: skip calculating checksum for cached image when format is TGZ (#20198) (7b376aa537, Zexi Li)
- monitor: remove precision of float when using max or min function (#20431) (6bef36bcac, Zexi Li)
- monitor: support multiple metrics alert (#20156) (a81ca98f1d, Zexi Li)
Others (1)
- Fix/host misc fix 0425 (#20152) (b40122f9d3, wanyaoqi)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-operator
3 commits to cloudpods-operator - v3.11.4 since this release.
Bug Fixes (3)
- enable ksyun (ef9c61ee, Qu Xuan)
- auto enable oracle cloud (e703fe0b, Qu Xuan)
- yunionconf: feature configuration (bed76dd2, Zexi Li)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/dashboard
58 commits to dashboard - v3.11.4 since this release.
Bug Fixes (30)
- update azure web app field (9b6f953a8, Qu Xuan)
- 移除未使用变量导致的ESLint错误校验提示信息 (2c44a6a18, easy-mj)
- 3.10/9819: 虚拟机详情页,告警策略展示有问题 (6494e6443, easy-mj)
- 3.11/9860: 镜像other linux系统默认展示linux图标 (124127a77, easy-mj)
- v3.10: monitor params (e5fe25b41, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.10/9701: EIP支持批量修改项目 (31ebe80f3, easy-mj)
- v3.10/9819: 监控--虚拟机详情页,告警策略展示有问题 (566929399, easy-mj)
- v3.10/9819: 监控--虚拟机详情页,告警策略展示有问题 (c582fd973, easy-mj)
- v3.10/9826: 新建rds/redis,项目选择框与下面间距不一致 (b1c4c3b4e, easy-mj)
- v3.10/9851: excel export data format number error (06037c1af, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.10/9857: fetch users domain param error (ecb6a6af5, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.10/9857: fetch users domain param error (8bc409ba2, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.10/9857: fetch user uneffect in domain mode (90770c792, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.10/9874: 修改告警策略切换所属时触发条件一直添加 (ee28525a9, easy-mj)
- v3.10/9907: image cache show brand error (9b85a56e8, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.10/classic: 修复经典网路判断依据 (0046bc886, easy-mj)
- v3.10/classic: 还原经典网路判断依据 (4dec31a81, easy-mj)
- v3.11: 磁铁展示优化,边界值处理 (31c347ac0, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/4847: export compute disk/mem delete unit (1d3f94ee6, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/9689: 监控告警新建no data条件时,新建策略失败 (3f46665cc, easy-mj)
- v3.11/9841: The selected features add filtering supported of license (ac146f669, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/9852: 监控面板导出的列表内容,数据不全,只有第1列有数据 (75c984123, easy-mj)
- v3.11/9862: Platform filtering optimization (7d0fe1353, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/9866: 费用预测关闭时 ,费用-云账号-账单任务-新建,前端增加限制 (598f99aea, easy-mj)
- v3.11/9870: 全局 强制删除增加提示信息 (c06aa2794, easy-mj)
- v3.11/9872: 当公有云触发告警后,查看告警详情页面没对齐 (e37f62efb, easy-mj)
- v3.11/9884: fix ext resources service (7701950c5, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/9895: export list data add ignore format columns (73a6d9e70, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/9904: open image info add build (8dd40c790, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/9904: open image name add build info (cb942824f, GuoLiBin6)
Features (28)
- i18n 功能扩展 (6f4ced7ea, GuoLiBin6)
- page card list add title info (e24f84833, GuoLiBin6)
- 4872: 调整费用预测开关字段 (732e5c0b3, easy-mj)
- v3.10: global settings add userDefinedKeys param (fe337917f, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.10/4758: 告警策略优化 (39978f966, easy-mj)
- v3.10/4758: 告警策略优化 (af842d643, easy-mj)
- v3.10/4758: 告警记录策略详情优化 (06e181e22, easy-mj)
- v3.10/4848: 自定义设备类型支持自动探测 (048ebd8a2, easy-mj)
- v3.10/9834: 修复告警策略相关问题 (c40ee35c3, easy-mj)
- v3.11: expand distinct field method (9056b59ca, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11: 优化图表tooltip位置展示 (f4a18b324, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/4772: add open image market (8be180688, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/4772: add image market in ce (97d9cf648, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/4772: add image market in ce (c9c62100d, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/4785: waf add source ips (acd03d159, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/4787: time range filter add utc check (75b58eddb, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/4789: external project support set priority (ef3deaa71, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/4842: RDS、Redis列表导出,增加到期时间字段 (77b64081c, easy-mj)
- v3.11/4842: 虚拟机列表导出,增加到期时间字段 (69920824e, easy-mj)
- v3.11/4842: 虚拟机列表导出,调整到期时间字段 (2ea94bbe5, easy-mj)
- v3.11/4876: webapp add custom domains (45e27c77e, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/4876: webapp certificate add status (b4a6587f2, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/4878: xlsx export set date formatter (828f88d92, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/4897: 社区镜像导入后返回列表 (c14fab228, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/4903: project export list add user info (631fe9761, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/4903: user export list add project info (beb481e1a, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/4903: extend enabled table column export info (d7b5608b9, GuoLiBin6)
- v3.11/4910: 加入堡垒机支持指定描述信息 (d366d2da3, easy-mj)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/ocboot
17 commits to ocboot - v3.11.4 since this release.
Addnode (1)
- set host_networks if missing 312 (543b6ff, Zhang Dongliang)
Bug Fixes (8)
- adm0: 对于fullstack和edge忽略adm0报错 (3cb0cb6, Zhang Dongliang)
- backup: 备份失败时,删除以时间戳结尾的空备份路径 (16ed636, Zhang Dongliang)
- compose: update compose-service-init to v3.11-0530.0 (51e7303, Zexi Li)
- k8s: 解决sweet32 安全漏洞 (0e4ff48, Zhang Dongliang)
- lbagent: 添加lbagent节点时debian系列不启动openvswitch服务 (fcc87ae, Zhang Dongliang)
- reboot: 仅在安装yunion内核或配置大页内存时重启 (d72b44e, Zhang Dongliang)
- ubuntu: 更新ubuntu/debian软件名模式 (70cd688, Zhang Dongliang)
- upgrade: 升级变量判断兼容 (3ca2f38, Zhang Dongliang)
Others (8)
- minor (b8d7929, Zhang Dongliang)
- openeuler version specification (224b38c, Zhang Dongliang)
- resolve conflicts 311 (437cf1f, Zhang Dongliang)
- yunion-climc-ee pattern (318f4e8, Zhang Dongliang)
- 在 centos 之外的 os 上不安装kmod-openvswith软件包 (e8c444a, Zhang Dongliang)
- CE模式默认不安装climc-ee相关rpm/deb (5890040, Zhang Dongliang)
- reboot for local and ssh connections (fe19210, Zhang Dongliang)
- udpate version to 3.11.3 (8744bf0, Zhang Dongliang)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/sdnagent
2 commits to sdnagent - v3.11.4 since this release.