发布时间 2021-05-12 16:45:43
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods
953 commits to cloudpods - v3.7.0 since this release.
Ansibleserver (2)
- wait zombie subprocesses (7f80003d24, Yousong Zhou)
- use mcclient module method for fetching keypair info (6de0b2e35d, Yousong Zhou)
Apigateway (3)
- handler: add cloudproxy (39c1695821, Yousong Zhou)
- try return httperrors (1d1a5c327a, Yousong Zhou)
- reword error messages (583d1889f7, Yousong Zhou)
Apihelper (1)
- move to yunion.io/x/onecloud/pkg/{vpcagent/,}apihelper (98fcdb2be5, Yousong Zhou)
Bug Fixes (565)
- get region nil pointer error (2a3a85f3a3, Qiu Jian)
- avoid stop or start vm failed (e8b70d483c, Qu Xuan)
- qcloud eip bandwidth (c12125d864, Qu Xuan)
- optimized nat entry (790366c938, Qu Xuan)
- resolve conflict of climc docker build (7db688a9ce, Qiu Jian)
- optimzed tag sync (d7be39edf8, Qu Xuan)
- optimized aliyun error (3e984f1158, Qu Xuan)
- cloudaccount auto sync (15efe1933c, Qu Xuan)
- qcloud bucket refer (7c2200c35d, Qu Xuan)
- avoid panic when use idc vpc (1aeb8a9a80, Qu Xuan)
- add index for image_type (1fd9bd5b2f, Qu Xuan)
- init cloud shell by apigateway (d80d9f13b7, Qiu Jian)
- nat sku env (22756d4952, Qu Xuan)
- missing yunionconf log (eda02abc94, Qiu Jian)
- sync cloud tags when set tags (3b2c804e21, Qu Xuan)
- add qcloud get tags and remove unused interface (cc8a400000, Qu Xuan)
- add trans info (bc991fda78, Qu Xuan)
- add tag for databricks vm (082d5a9d61, Qu Xuan)
- update version of file-repo (f89f43d167, rainzm)
- add nat sku provider filter (14246f4839, Qu Xuan)
- skip zone check when rds change config (3ed28eea2b, Qu Xuan)
- remove qcloud region and zone prefix (82ac671238, Qu Xuan)
- nas for huawei (19b617b1e4, Qu Xuan)
- avoid return no data result (8ba639bb4e, Qu Xuan)
- nat delete and create fix (740937ff61, Qu Xuan)
- optimzed tag update and sync (a1820bc331, Qu Xuan)
- actions domain filter by project doamin id (287d5a5554, Qu Xuan)
- sku zone (038faf7912, Qu Xuan)
- sync new project for azure resource group (2b37418858, Qu Xuan)
- require password for imported user (a17c84613f, Qiu Jian)
- avoid host worker is locked when image cache is deleted (251afc7d63, Qu Xuan)
- account auto sync time (0a81e8a54d, Qu Xuan)
- validate secgroup references (3e88e3093d, Qu Xuan)
- optimized rbd storage input and update (fae6d333c2, Qu Xuan)
- openstack health should be normal (1e7cf0af4f, Qu Xuan)
- peer secgroup rule fix (14be7b8a04, Qu Xuan)
- nas misc (a874c2a758, Qu Xuan)
- add panic log for worker task (5cba23d8cf, Qu Xuan)
- aliyun lb charge type (7730e87fc5, Qu Xuan)
- add secgroup filter opts (1ae3fbc749, Qu Xuan)
- vpc public with nat (aea94c0667, Qu Xuan)
- instance with eip charge type (4f00223dfa, Qu Xuan)
- add bucket tooltip (0cb8100ad9, Qu Xuan)
- optimize change vm config and prepaid change config (a65b2f633a, Qu Xuan)
- support prepaid instance change config (8ce4f109b5, Qu Xuan)
- aliyun tag list api (b63241b2f2, Qu Xuan)
- aliyun public ip bandwidth (f853cc4c08, Qu Xuan)
- change rds config skip zone check (dd55eae077, Qu Xuan)
- add nat sku policy (8e2092e18e, Qu Xuan)
- optimized bucket tag (84f8cc1b3d, Qu Xuan)
- secgroup cache reference (2d57443765, Qu Xuan)
- private cloud sku attached disk count (295d4b993b, Qu Xuan)
- vendor update (8e65757b90, Qu Xuan)
- avoid listener worker leak (7b79a8e49a, Qu Xuan)
- avoid update protocol with any faild (71b0a4faeb, Qu Xuan)
- add more organization command (0d6c17e31a, Qiu Jian)
- secgroup cache policy (f60e956414, Qu Xuan)
- before insert (0c72b07c3a, Qu Xuan)
- add rbdcli commond for debug (83c108d48d, Qu Xuan)
- adjust primary key length when sqlchemy utf8 default to utf8mb4 (0c57a713e5, Qiu Jian)
- add options for pre allow ip add (b8530c26d2, Qu Xuan)
- avoid panic (7012a8cfba, Qu Xuan)
- sync nat sku when sync cloudaccount (7b6cac88af, Qu Xuan)
- add region id params (cfba238f8c, Qu Xuan)
- time sync duration (67df9bb417, Qu Xuan)
- new aws region (bc1c1c20b6, Qu Xuan)
- add cancel expire action (e17fca6c4b, Qu Xuan)
- nat sku domain policy (263db9b8c2, Qu Xuan)
- ansibleserver: don't init privateKey for ansibleplaybook if it already have one (9502cfebf4, rainzm)
- ansibleserver: be compatible with empty params (630729ca84, rainzm)
- ansibleserver: add LF for privateKey if not (4088e47f92, rainzm)
- apigateway: recover remove apigateway locale messages (e65d6cdf26, Qiu Jian)
- apigateway: ignore fetch IDP errors in getRegions (#10071) (f5f02b5e09, Jian Qiu)
- apigateway: getRegions return value of api_server (6549d886c9, Qiu Jian)
- apigateway: add auth/stats api to retrieve system info (#10182) (31854889db, Jian Qiu)
- apigateway: use info response service type of console endpoints (2990e5d478, Qiu Jian)
- apigateway: add enable_quota_check and return-domain-list attributes to fe params (#10159) (43e858265c, Jian Qiu)
- apigateway: count city servers (34b12241f9, Qu Xuan)
- apigateway: allow logout by get method (d2caac95df, Qiu Jian)
- awscli: instance-rebuild-root fix (5d6c8c7611, TangBin)
- baremetal: try channel 8 for default profile (50ad5a76b9, Qiu Jian)
- baremetal: register baremetal name invalid (a8312c5e2c, Zexi Li)
- baremetal: use command timeout context replace timeout command (6d5cd8ca89, Zexi Li)
- baremetal: baremetal ipmi probe reset link up state (c1868f1dde, Qiu Jian)
- baremetal: clear jbod disks do PDMakeGood (77e4c806f3, Zexi Li)
- baremetal: sas2iru parse line (20c041ec02, Zexi Li)
- baremetal: convert to host failed (8cc0b63c86, Zexi Li)
- baremetal: megactl driver fail to find device by key (6945b6250f, Qiu Jian)
- baremetal,esxiagent: no cloudroot user initialized (9ae991c153, Qiu Jian)
- baremetal-agent: baremetal fail to stop due to power off soft failed (d8b1a992ff, Qiu Jian)
- baremetal-agent: baremetal will probe status in status unknown (32311f989f, Qiu Jian)
- build: DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled (a083cc510a, Zexi Li)
- build: build telegraf-raid-plugin (183e9cfa5f, Zexi Li)
- build: fmt: ignore auto-generated files (a290a6a49d, Yousong Zhou)
- build: chage template of 'Abnormal Login' (06634a63ab, rainzm)
- climc: host add netif add params bridge/interface (447882a003, wanyaoqi)
- climc: replace ' -> " (5c64f32f08, Qu Xuan)
- climc: use printObjectRecursive for PerformXxx calls (d6463f955a, Yousong Zhou)
- climc: mv climc rpm package .bashrc to /etc/profile.d/climc.sh (01d2612abb, Zexi Li)
- climc: server-create --desc not work (6acf96e87b, Zexi Li)
- cloudcommon: unify OS_ARCH constants (e1816106aa, Zexi Li)
- cloudcommon: disable quota check by default (0a7513cce4, Qiu Jian)
- cloudcommon: splitable may not initialize underlying table (658c59327a, Qiu Jian)
- cloudcommon: use NewGeneralError to construct error (9f927922a4, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: add rbac_policy_refresh_internval_seconds option (792bfe533c, Qiu Jian)
- cloudcommon: use rbac authentication dedicated to the list interface in GetModelProperty (c8d1ac215a, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: disable EventNotify for now (15abea72a2, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: add default domain of common options (772579d3e8, Zexi Li)
- cloudcommon: missing set_meta opslog (#9915) (2f3a3766c5, Jian Qiu)
- cloudcommon: query filter ineffective for splitable (abbcac09ab, Qiu Jian)
- cloudcommon: perform public should check the sharing scope of resource (faf00d8d67, Qiu Jian)
- cloudcommon: panic when query an empty splitable model manager (d01f89a2c8, Qiu Jian)
- cloudcommon: supplement i18n translations (fbdcbeb751, Qiu Jian)
- cloudcommon: adjust policy refresh to default 30 seconds (ef8ad89668, Qiu Jian)
- cloudevent: update aliyun lookupevent api (22a41fb055, Qu Xuan)
- cloudevent: optimized cloudevent sql (ae90bbd203, Qu Xuan)
- cloudevent: add aws cloudevent (e91b5dbc32, Qu Xuan)
- cloudevent: default policy (0ff3997a21, Qu Xuan)
- cloudevent: adjust cloudevents resource scope (e12eea6799, Qiu Jian)
- cloudevent: add distinct filed for cloudevent (53969f14e2, Qu Xuan)
- cloudevent: cloudevent is domain level resource (84b9e1fb00, Qu Xuan)
- cloudevent: optimized cloudevent sync (a5834180fd, Qu Xuan)
- cloudevent,devtool: missing metadata table (ba08d9d465, Qiu Jian)
- cloudid: auto update saml provider metadata (ac146af36b, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: sync role policy (c0e3427dff, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: avoid empty auth url (79ea27170f, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: optimized system policy sync (7760e0c3a2, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: add <br> for notify templete (21820fe2d8, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: avoid use invalid character for role name (1e5014aa41, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: avoid new public account sync system policy delay 1 day (3b0710d982, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: optimized saml sso (0165d83915, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: sync qcloud collaborators user (f841fd85ad, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: fix azure saml provider delete error (9ff20ed93d, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: azure saml confirm (f00bc6d19f, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: saml navigation template support i18n (e3fb7729dd, Qiu Jian)
- cloudid: huawei saml provider create issue (5f84614618, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: add en-US html templte (49c90a3814, Qu Xuan)
- cloudmon: deal cannot get azure metric (369872f7ab, --global)
- cloudproxy: ssh proxy endpoint&match query (e965d1d9e0, TangBin)
- cloudproxy: keep the proxy endpoint project and server consistent (de7ef8baaf, rainzm)
- cloudproxy: correct fetch projectId from server for PE (4ba3a26701, rainzm)
- common: add debug info for lock (5d88767c9b, Qu Xuan)
- devtool: wait for the remote forward to run normally (93af6514d3, rainzm)
- devtool: get 'lastseen' not 'last_seen' of forward (7a1ba77d93, rainzm)
- devtool: set 'task_id' and 'task_notify_url' in header (b5d4b30ddf, rainzm)
- devtool: extend the waiting time when checking remote forward (73db546f58, rainzm)
- devtool: add scope=system query when list proxy endpoints (93e1f48cbd, rainzm)
- devtool: fix a bug that may trigger panic (377f9d00e5, rainzm)
- devtool: correct output error (93dad50d72, rainzm)
- esxi: prevent fake template and real template from duplication (63fd7e5891, rainzm)
- esxi: correctly set the imagePath outside the if block (de8fd509d9, rainzm)
- esxi: determine whether the disk is a root disk more reasonably (18bececcf2, rainzm)
- esxi: add ListPath for storage and use it to check iso (f8a822c5f3, rainzm)
- esxi: be compatible with disconnected host (d9040773fd, rainzm)
- esxiagent: add humanized tips when searching vm failed (b9e983787d, rainzm)
- esxiagent: nicIndex should be incremented (02931f509f, rainzm)
- git,make: git branch 获取方式优化 (71e63e2ed1, Zhang Dongliang)
- git,make: 更新获取 git branch 的规则 (eb7372263b, Zhang Dongliang)
- git,make: 修正 gitbranch 变量的获取方式,解决自动升级版本 tag 不统一的问题 (0b2aed858a, Zhang Dongliang)
- glance: image can't removed when size is 0 (61f06ee3ca, Zexi Li)
- glance: list image by os arch use startwith (8386506560, wanyaoqi)
- glance: set fail status when upload image to s3 (0c4c46b2fa, Zexi Li)
- go.mod: remove k8s.io/kubernetes dependency (c025944d17, Zexi Li)
- host: modification of netio collection field of local virtual machine (83a8364116, zhaoxiangchun)
- host: detect ovs version (d6d28cf01a, Zexi Li)
- host: fix wait time after mount fuse fs (ad2d472d0d, wanyaoqi)
- host: guestman: variable name typo (2acca1a70f, Yousong Zhou)
- host: ignore parted resize disk unknown partition table error (fc1abe2ebf, Zexi Li)
- host: make sure it won't match vpc guests by accident (6db7503474, Yousong Zhou)
- host: update telegraf conf adapter to container environment (38a9218e9e, wanyaoqi)
- host: add print migrate progress info (8161d86dfd, wanyaoqi)
- host: check lease living on restart etcd session (92e0ed3434, wanyaoqi)
- host: update host metric tags when server or host changeowner (4661533639, zhaoxiangchun)
- host: fix check hugepage enabled (97d96aa328, wanyaoqi)
- host: telegraf listen on local ipv4 address explicitly (89df588448, Qiu Jian)
- host: fix set windows password with escape charater (1d8879ef7b, wanyaoqi)
- host: arm vm virtio-net-pci without addr (45b6072f21, Zexi Li)
- host-deployer: add log line on blkid failed (550159af7c, wanyaoqi)
- host-deployer: mount may fail to lock /etc/mtab, add retrier (e35fa898ea, Qiu Jian)
- host-deployer: probe image info umount rootfs first (37b036ed37, wanyaoqi)
- host-deployer: mkfs.ext4 add '-T largefile' option (ecaa035949, Zexi Li)
- host-deployer: add retry on check is vgactived (4841fbdb12, wanyaoqi)
- host-deployer: cancel rename centos vgname (c302bae2bf, wanyaoqi)
- host-deployer: remove escape character on windows passwd (645cf64b92, wanyaoqi)
- hostdeployer: windows rootfs umount leak (c308bdbb0c, Zexi Li)
- hostman: fix kvm create disk failed error (f5ed307598, Qu Xuan)
- hostman: recycle local disk file when rebuilding root (20c4dad4e1, Qiu Jian)
- hostman: avoid panic when disk is nil (24928469fe, Qu Xuan)
- image: update min_disk of iso image (c23b169e1b, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: correctly pass domain id to role-assignments (988c90e8f6, rainzm)
- keystone: don't send the administrator’s message to the party (c5fd651604, rainzm)
- keystone: always upload&refresh service config whenever service restart (80229fa1e0, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: allow joint projects across domains by default (e6868d5d0f, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: update default role associated policy name (94f72124fe, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: adjust default system policy names (b034a7a95d, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: allow delete sso imported non-local user (6428ca9a15, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: avoid panic when call logclient (7e35db1040, Qu Xuan)
- keystone: SSO created user name may be duplicated (9342987aa3, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: ensure comparing id with non-utf8 string (601112dd7f, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: rolepolicies list panic if filter by domain scope (4411c4e5bb, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: avoid repeated abnormal login notifications (c4c3b925b8, rainzm)
- keystone: allow filter identity_providers with name of ssoDomain (db7a921785, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: panic if request with an invalid token (0eaf20da26, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: user create without password can login with any password (bc0a4a7b6f, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: role_assignment effective list ignore groups without user (128f895c5c, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: ignore deleted policies when matching policies (234c37c490, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: service config ignore deploy server socket path (c2978b8202, wanyaoqi)
- keystone: update user attributes whenever user login (a0350d0537, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: tag list for keystone service (962e19bbd0, Qu Xuan)
- keystone: add i18n description for policy and role (7c84554587, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: clear failed auth when enable user (9c630dc313, rainzm)
- keystone: ignore service config update without changes (1d7b7057a7, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: allow unlink a domain from an IDP (076fa5498a, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: idp filter by sso_domain returns domain's idp only (1a24034c64, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: not allow to disable sql driver (ef648b5b87, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: allow refresh scope resource (c14b245fad, Qu Xuan)
- keystone: policy name duplication (#10200) (058a0a0729, Jian Qiu)
- keystone: add suggestion previliges to meter admin (5ef93ed03c, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: add alertrecords to default dashboard permission (#10161) (739637b8f3, Jian Qiu)
- keystone: hide system scope policies in domain scope view (#10195) (e43bea673c, Jian Qiu)
- keystone: oidc driver turn on debug mode if log-level is debug (57a0e8d63e, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: send to the admin and the party separately when Abnormal login occurs (6976851993, rainzm)
- keystone: cas sso may create new project whenever user login (34e5a36b2c, Qiu Jian)
- log: add filters to baremetal event logs (1e4b1f3d37, Qiu Jian)
- log: fail to submit action log (b01a3c1539, Qiu Jian)
- logger: distinct field optimized for logger (14979480e3, Qu Xuan)
- make,buildx: 使用 buildx 编译时,拉镜像到本地 (7b6ce2b054, Zhang Dongliang)
- mcclient: options: webconsole: fix passing ssh port (b06be9ea5c, Yousong Zhou)
- monitor: add resType filter (ee00fd3196, --global)
- monitor: modify monitor nodata alert matching onecloud host func (73ec2db41b, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: fix nodata alertresource list (f408ef0275, --global)
- monitor: modify alertrecord list input (e8a8d121fb, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: 3.7 nodata and alertOverview fix (a43a4e617b, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: registry alertPanel in mcclient (23e44d83d3, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: modify influxdbSuggestDriver query err (df6a2634f7, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: fix monitoroverview and meter send alerting info to notify (107c1745d2, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: delete suggestConfig auto init data (2a7f9ab516, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: monitor notify international and 3.6 bugfix (2f11e60123, --global)
- monitor: other servier create alert add used_by param as a agreement (7526604501, --global)
- monitor: alertdashboard setscope (c78defe39a, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: fix alert duration (1bce5eaa62, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: modify totalrecord query (5e054a25ad, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: fix monitor export err (c068badd36, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: modify suggestrule process influxdb data (91d1f64eff, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: filter alertquery result according to onecloud resources (4ad8729f7a, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: alertQuery fix (1b045d59c0, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: alertpanel create fix; nodealert filterbyowner fix (1c8b54f117, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: fix 报警静默期和未恢复告警策略的兼容 (26721fc50d, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: suggestalert ignore throw err (b8c008a8a1, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: sore reture info:resourceType,measurement (333c83778f, --global)
- monitor: fix alert notify info do not contain resourceName (7fd2b865e4, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: modify nodata feishu notifyinfo; fix send email err (92fbf93cbb, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: modify rds,redis,oss field descriptions (d88ec4c39c, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: fix update alert duration fail (523cbab84b, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: modify onecloud replacement code (fdafdeb8a5, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: set alertdashboard scope (9901f56b73, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: domain view can list scope is domain or project alertrecords; fix nodata alert return info (5c12f9e1fe, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: monitor query : cloudaccount no data fix (4f7ad853df, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: alertPanel add dumplicate name check (383709d8e6, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: modify monitor serviceType in StartService() (dcdf3a1281, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: alertpanel update don't chcek uniq name (8bc086e8df, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: monitor overview throw err (23f80dced4, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor,host: replace space to '+' when write to influxdb and replace '+' to space when query (c86dab4d6b, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor,suggestion: order commonalert metric and modify alertresoruce type value and add suggestion models climc (73ab024df8, zhaoxiangchun)
- multicloud: set isEmulated as false for ecloud vpc (e96c43b21e, rainzm)
- notify: add index fro receiver_notification (3063a7fdff, rainzm)
- notify: avoid duplication of notification names (78c16bfc03, rainzm)
- notify: correctly filter those recipients who join the domain (60f2dfed8a, rainzm)
- notify: return the result of the second attempt to execute the rpc call (4135b3729b, rainzm)
- notify: check for changes before updating config (5bc847f052, rainzm)
- notify: repull subcontact after changing config (75998a132b, rainzm)
- notify: avoid deadlock (54ed4b6194, rainzm)
- notify: update receiver's lang when update event occurs (8c717e1ae6, rainzm)
- notify: exempt the administrator to create the receiver verification (3805119c4a, rainzm)
- notify: send websocket messages according to language preference (4f4538834a, rainzm)
- notify: choose template in NotifyFilter (15cd898080, rainzm)
- notify: be compatible with robots and webhooks (ad1d065ac6, rainzm)
- notify: fit correctly when send notification via contact (4f386fea1a, rainzm)
- notify: enable filter of contact type 'email' and 'mobile' (fb6064fa2a, rainzm)
- notify: inject domain info in ReceiverManager.FetchOwnerId (ac8f20ca18, rainzm)
- notify: be compatible with member's permission changes (d8b92dd97a, rainzm)
- notify: loose mobile phone number matching rules (50c8636cec, rainzm)
- notify: loose phone number rules in updating receiver (9503546d0d, rainzm)
- notify: get the receiver corresponding to the role correctly (0de209502f, rainzm)
- notify: be compatible with webconsole type hack (c891169384, rainzm)
- notify: set ModelManager in Receiver() (bb7b179c4e, rainzm)
- notify: add a time limit for resending notifications (75b375bc78, rainzm)
- notify: remote 'lang' filter when contact type is 'mobile' (97e9be3b27, rainzm)
- notify: set status after sending (9a9c9acb8e, rainzm)
- notify: panic for err (36853a6cf2, rainzm)
- readme: rename OneCloud to YunionCloud (4c4c015626, Zexi Li)
- region: sync baremetal desc before do ipmi probing (39de7daaeb, Qiu Jian)
- region: add azure new region (12e0b3c902, Qu Xuan)
- region: check the global network situation when expanding the network (da89673f00, rainzm)
- region: 避免OneCloud密码校验通过,公有云厂商密码校验不通过 (0da66b071e, Qu Xuan)
- region: delete not exist disk failed (70166a131d, Qu Xuan)
- region: bucket size stats should not count invalid sizes of -1 (607c10bbe4, Qiu Jian)
- region: optimized azure reset linux pasword (9aa8a3ab69, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid azure detach disk failed (8d75e55b43, Qu Xuan)
- region: add option auto reconcile backup servers (8f542beac1, wanyaoqi)
- region: fix set bucket referer (6a480937b8, lvyangyang)
- region: AWS buckets in us-east-1 have null location (52e2051dfc, Qiu Jian)
- region: avoid sync huawei unusable account (9cad6163d3, Qu Xuan)
- region: update tags status (fa9e5fd840, lvyangyang)
- region: delete virtual nics with network (80d9f50cf9, Qu Xuan)
- region: tag bugs fix -azure tags replace/refresh -tags action logs -忽略创建中主机的metadate同步任务 (9a10a34601, lvyangyang)
- region: optimized secgroup rule sync (6eec828ee3, Qu Xuan)
- region: fetch wires correctly (cbca7e5183, rainzm)
- region: maintain compatibility with webhook notify (780a024e74, rainzm)
- region: host search by any ip (06fb5ac5ec, Qiu Jian)
- region: azure default subscription id (8eb682c4bc, Qu Xuan)
- region: pull the network correctly (3ad9cb0dac, rainzm)
- region: aws elb backendgroup sync bugfix (6c24640476, tangbin)
- region: filter resource by classic vpc (de96f6e18f, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid update tags task loop (0b324945de, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid cachedimage never be in sync when it deleted (b9f3e329a1, Qu Xuan)
- region: fix zstack delete server with local disks (9d93ddf9aa, Qu Xuan)
- region: optimized for qcloud prepaid instance delete (5e418ab66b, Qu Xuan)
- region: allowed to manually refresh cloudimage (b056c0ce72, Qu Xuan)
- region: set next stage for start vm (d56078d13a, Qu Xuan)
- region: optimized aws cloudtrail sync (be065ec826, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid auzre request timeout (d3a5317245, Qu Xuan)
- region: qcloud quota sync (e760263fab, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid panic when register service not work (da35a63586, Qu Xuan)
- region: aliyun support public ip (54ba8cfe43, Qu Xuan)
- region: sync cachedimage info (124f280fef, Qu Xuan)
- region: replace cloud tags (499f4624b4, lvyangyang)
- region: aws rebuild instance os_arch mismatch fix (a8ded06bac, TangBin)
- region: avoid not sync dns zone (6677ae43b5, Qu Xuan)
- region: obtain ProviderFactory correctly (b7b903ff67, rainzm)
- region: set redis reboot timeout to 30 mins (aa96cb748b, tangbin)
- region: server start check host memory is enough (678f2b3dd4, wanyaoqi)
- region: fix rds tag set error (60b3e53866, Qu Xuan)
- region: rds list with secgorups info (5e736e1838, Qu Xuan)
- region: support peer secgroup (73fe4866d7, Qu Xuan)
- region: omit vpc quota check if vpc created by owner (9081b5dc4f, Qiu Jian)
- region: avoid public ip bandwidth is zero (e6b75b8537, Qu Xuan)
- region: more details for get aws region error (0ffa3e5144, Qu Xuan)
- region: aliyun request retry (1c6d6c90f9, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid stuck at http request (f9f0716dac, Qu Xuan)
- region: optimized qcloud error code (195793c88d, Qu Xuan)
- region: redis change spec bugfix (a275b46a74, tangbin)
- region: vpc list usable fix (dbc1c7cdfb, TangBin)
- region: skip cloud image sync error (e08f9a8f78, Qu Xuan)
- region: openstack network is regional (e3b9757132, Qu Xuan)
- region: remove i18n fix & zone ®ion name support i18n (1cca1b5685, TangBin)
- region: aws sync vpc access mode bugfix (7178a2d3c7, TangBin)
- region: cloudregion&zone add namei18n (d097679e47, TangBin)
- region: support rds secgroup operation (dddfdbd5b2, Qu Xuan)
- region: purge private cloud sku (1d320035b1, Qu Xuan)
- region: apsara optimized (ca578cbb27, Qu Xuan)
- region: optimized azure rebuild root (7fb008c50b, Qu Xuan)
- region: aws lb create tags param (50bc20b2a2, lvyangyang)
- region: check whether guest is nil (23328aa12b, rainzm)
- region: add huawei credit amount check (d144b893f2, Qu Xuan)
- region: network eip stats not correct (4f474ad8b2, Qiu Jian)
- region: sku.meta use global proxy (a8cc140b52, Qu Xuan)
- region: optimized disk allocate sched failed log (d78f4a98b1, Qu Xuan)
- region: avolid panic when list role's policies (a75e6c906a, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid openstack change config error (78ef400b1f, Qu Xuan)
- region: cloud provider filter by domain (bb1e1382ad, Qiu Jian)
- region: private cloud sku create (09a039eb6e, Qu Xuan)
- region: add aliyun credit amount check (5fe6909c36, Qu Xuan)
- region: fail to update network gateway (b92d3a93f8, Qiu Jian)
- region: struct input for detach server network (da4cf61cc3, Qu Xuan)
- region: cloud provider filter by domain_id ignore private case (72e805ab92, Qiu Jian)
- region: change_ipaddr: retain eip_id on detach and attach (2c8c3b7907, Yousong Zhou)
- region: scoped policy filter by project id (8ca6d176f0, Qiu Jian)
- region: including domain info in project-role results (3288fe9da2, Qiu Jian)
- region: add huawei gpssd desc (b5a25b9c60, Qu Xuan)
- region: 避免从云上同步下来的主机,创建相同配置时network_id为空 (61c25a597a, Qu Xuan)
- region: validate cloudaccount saml auth params (c05b75385f, Qu Xuan)
- region: cloudaccount: allow only one sync func in flight (2940c350c2, Yousong Zhou)
- region: valid qcloud hssd for system disk (c5c77b4062, Qu Xuan)
- region: fix openstack instance os type (5674b5e5f2, Qu Xuan)
- region: lbacl &lbcert default share scope (b52a7d019c, TangBin)
- region: lbbackend: better error reporting for finding influxdb info (754359b955, Yousong Zhou)
- region: aws sts assume role fail break account initialization (51dfb8f733, Qiu Jian)
- region: show storage capacity to project users (a44eb70df1, Qiu Jian)
- region: add more usage metrics, e.g. ports.eip, servers.last_week, pending_delete_servers.last_week (762664fd0e, Qiu Jian)
- region: aliyun nas endpoint (b7b030fc2e, Qu Xuan)
- region: allow ipmi probe when probe fail (14bd5ea08a, Qiu Jian)
- region: add RequestRemoteUpdate for ESXiGuestDriver (72bc3b8645, rainzm)
- region: de-duplication when obtaining the number of hosts (052442ef66, rainzm)
- region: azure secgroup rule not allow with same priority and direction (bd99ad2199, Qu Xuan)
- region: azure async task (f60c1835d1, Qu Xuan)
- region: sync servers (ae060f2347, Qu Xuan)
- region: expand the bridge field (841ec1f251, rainzm)
- region: add usage cache, speedup response (3248f57253, Qiu Jian)
- region: do not change disk status on migrating (97864f96eb, wanyaoqi)
- region: elb acl validate create data fix (4cdd768cec, TangBin)
- region: aliyun elb listener&lbbg sync project (e19a022f6d, TangBin)
- region: cert&acl cache delete condition check (d91c7a62dc, TangBin)
- region: guest to create input keep billing info (36102e97d9, wanyaoqi)
- region: remove i18n lock and logs (2749d2c708, Qiu Jian)
- region: fix change config forecast (2dc5b47915, wanyaoqi)
- region: remove unnecessary vpc validate create date error wrap (3f19bb1efc, TangBin)
- region: network create mask length validate (f3c8bede52, TangBin)
- region: guest associate eip checking fix (e728f62fdf, tangbin)
- region: vpc create data cird validate (72321d011f, TangBin)
- region: ctyun delete server bugfix (c50c47d653, TangBin)
- region: guestnetworks: use net calculated mtu (44b6391a62, Yousong Zhou)
- region: create vm with eip task fix (e2f1e5548d, TangBin)
- region: guest sync eip fix (2f075de8cb, tangbin)
- region: apsara metrics fix (edae255a04, Qu Xuan)
- region: skus add cloudenv (cfc5fe9f20, TangBin)
- region: exclude network recommended for host when suggesting network for guest (c91ad4a705, rainzm)
- region: set qcloud instance del timeout to 20m (bd9f961bd2, Qu Xuan)
- region: eip_allocate_task: set eip status allocate_fail on task failure (719a9608c7, Yousong Zhou)
- region: allow delete storagecachedimage with 'cache_failed' status (052a10f635, rainzm)
- region: allow ipmi probe in status unknown (79452d771a, Qiu Jian)
- region: avoid refreshing when checking the image (c24cb90920, rainzm)
- region: rigorously merge the network under wire (4ea6067307, rainzm)
- region: avoid clean all rules when sync secgroups (18ba99747a, Qu Xuan)
- region: exported number of vpcs less than listed (298fe5d908, Qiu Jian)
- region: remove code about getting service url (24be43090b, rainzm)
- region: vpc sync external access mode fix (5d20bf2800, TangBin)
- region: vpc usable fix (982db46e8f, TangBin)
- region: aws create vpc with igw add defaultroute (d37ec27d7d, TangBin)
- region: aws delete vpc skipped delete main route table (1cb6980b1c, TangBin)
- region: aws vpc delete skip delete default secgroup (52ef2c2d5b, TangBin)
- region: aws vpc delete related route table & internet gateway (6aa2fc5817, TangBin)
- region: secgroup priority fix (2d5f1a982f, Qu Xuan)
- region: sku list query print missing error info (687deac242, TangBin)
- region: aws create storage type fix (208adf8a02, TangBin)
- region: aws create root device name fix (fc64ea3252, TangBin)
- region: vpc create validate cidr mask length (6591c5a750, TangBin)
- region: purge all instance snapshots when purging guest (33a702617f, rainzm)
- region: decouple region and etcd service (febd9b7f6f, Zexi Li)
- region: update google latitude and langtitude (dd3da3c4c9, Qu Xuan)
- region: allow reset huawei system disk (332f752ae3, TangBin)
- region: baremetal post update related server (9cd2cb7790, Zexi Li)
- region: update translations (a537c0e396, TangBin)
- region: try to connect when new a SEcloudClient (6bc4baa9bf, rainzm)
- region: remove useless Environment (507523a52f, rainzm)
- region: aws detach igw before delete vpc (80c3f6b2c5, TangBin)
- region: save when canceling pendingUsage (b4011db917, rainzm)
- region: make project of instance snapshot be consistent with the instance (e6c908da2e, rainzm)
- region: avoid worker discarded after state unchanged (199a7d678e, Qu Xuan)
- region: support project mapping (0b4e459e0a, Qu Xuan)
- region: network reserved ip count not consider expiration of reserved ips (b581c6dabd, Qiu Jian)
- region: optimized server stop code (7c6d4fddf3, Qu Xuan)
- region: server login info& keypair import input parameter trimspace (b26249811a, TangBin)
- region: Remind that cloud account synchronization failed due to network synchronization failure (d105e0556f, rainzm)
- region: purge instancesnapshot when purging guest (7b80435451, rainzm)
- region: sku enabled (be63b02b9f, Qu Xuan)
- region: add size and storageType for VMware InstanceSnapshot (be76d1eb47, rainzm)
- region: qcloud redis sync fix (f93e9f1cdb, tangbin)
- region: gpu server change config use reserved resources (9c04a7bf37, wanyaoqi)
- region: ignore params.Disks when cloning vm from snapshot (da03a979f8, rainzm)
- region: import rule error hint (ed9675a90f, Qu Xuan)
- region: ignore aliyun region not supported error (ec2e51a721, Qu Xuan)
- region: openstack hosts sync (77f515a932, Qu Xuan)
- region: aws default account (b511db2e0a, Qu Xuan)
- region: vpcpeering error message translation (d4878cc7af, lvyangyang)
- region: aws not support create server with public ip (c49ceb0b93, Qu Xuan)
- region: convert eip with same project with vm (c79495dbfe, Qu Xuan)
- region: nas owner id fix (1761b0fd6c, Qu Xuan)
- region: sanitize eip charge type on all callsites (82e297a551, Yousong Zhou)
- region: optimized openstack change config (20ca72cd43, Qu Xuan)
- region: optimized qcloud prepaid instance delete (691a5fc775, Qu Xuan)
- region: support openstack subnet allocation pools (792b4cdd83, Qu Xuan)
- region: wait more time for creating nas (f514514eab, Qu Xuan)
- region: optimized peer secgroup (c28f3f68aa, Qu Xuan)
- region: sync account id (561f642675, Qu Xuan)
- region: restore password validate condition (06207c4a37, Qu Xuan)
- region: validate isolated devices on migrate (97a542890d, wanyaoqi)
- region: openstack available zones (9ddf207441, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid assign vm ip addr not effect (8a84c690ca, Qu Xuan)
- region: attach network on register baremetal server (92727def00, wanyaoqi)
- region: vm list order by disk size (f0fe752501, Qu Xuan)
- region: azure instance data disk storage type (38507661fb, Qu Xuan)
- region: fetch cached image from glance by default (13800c5d91, Zexi Li)
- region: temp url sign wrong (3a7d6fb140, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid panic when sync aliyun networks (8a52933a87, Qu Xuan)
- region: optimized vm account name code (fe92804219, Qu Xuan)
- region: fix backup server start task (d2a3d200fe, wanyaoqi)
- region: azure reset windows os password (2d46a73d4d, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid timeout for waiting azure async task (ab8d1238c2, Qu Xuan)
- region: lbcert&lbacl releated listener count bugfix (2dcc1d610e, TangBin)
- region: avoid using LocalTaskworker in time-consuming synchronization of cloudaccount (c41d974d0c, rainzm)
- region: lb listener filter by acl_id (b3736ab20d, TangBin)
- region: avoid resize azure disk error (64849240b2, Qu Xuan)
- region: redis master zone empty fix (485cf8b3c8, TangBin)
- region: elastic cache name is empty fix (db20769cf2, TangBin)
- region: make cloudprovider sync worker configurable (afbc3cc8db, rainzm)
- region: region qcloud secgroup project id (d9d3fe26bd, Qu Xuan)
- region: validate invalid character for password (c9ca2c8755, Qu Xuan)
- region: change dbinstance sku sync info log to warn (f6abe165b5, TangBin)
- region: optimized qcloud secgroup sync, only redis need secgroup be in same project (6183f39168, Qu Xuan)
- region: azure metric request path (9c7145fd53, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid network create failed when vpc is ok but wire not sync (857cc0d2b9, Qu Xuan)
- region: dbinstance skus sync log level fix (43d4ddd82d, TangBin)
- region: server skus add cloud_env (8dcd685e46, TangBin)
- region: remove default value of diskConfig.Medium (4f8d86cb19, rainzm)
- region: add egress_mbps params for lb (52f3b69384, Qu Xuan)
- region: wire sql fix (8b1b5c0f55, Qu Xuan)
- region: inspect invalid guest template (797039a399, rainzm)
- region: fix modify tags log (d2e5329f33, lvyangyang)
- region: huawei vnc protocal fix (4b171e1630, TangBin)
- region: network clean schedule cache after real deleted (b7835f9796, Zexi Li)
- region: admin update without verification (7e054ee0fe, rainzm)
- region: elb cached acl sync (11d12ca7db, TangBin)
- region: avoid qcloud sync local disk error (39d86735f5, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid panic when sync resources (f3a514a41a, Qu Xuan)
- region: allow owner to operate snapshotpolicy cache (f642bc959c, rainzm)
- region: azure win os defualt user (794e7494bc, Qu Xuan)
- region: make SScheduledTaskLabel implement IJointModelManager (8c07b3cb60, rainzm)
- region: allow delete resource which status is unknown (b7ed3a683c, Qu Xuan)
- region: allow update rds account and database desc (b14f6be828, Qu Xuan)
- region: delete guest without 'purge' in GuestDetachScalingGroupTask (6f92fef698, rainzm)
- region: use special localtask to run time-consuming provider synchronization task (702133be51, rainzm)
- region: purge snapshot with not status check (b9c344e3df, Qu Xuan)
- region: code gen api error (54537e65c3, Qu Xuan)
- region: climc add base projects options (8686b77b87, TangBin)
- region: secgrouprule: set model manager (3a0303df6f, Yousong Zhou)
- region: reserved name checking while create redis account (1cf8bfb0a1, TangBin)
- region: sort excludedNets correctly (517390395b, rainzm)
- region: pass up error from InitializeData (d5a8158346, Yousong Zhou)
- region: optimized rds backup create (4ab1fe75c0, Qu Xuan)
- region: avoid set multi resources tags failed (f9e2122544, Qu Xuan)
- region: apsara is private cloud (f27ab3cc7c, Qu Xuan)
- region: account arrears (f68afc4aa6, Qu Xuan)
- region: add all.servers.any_pool/all.hosts.any_pool metrics (5bb3958547, Qiu Jian)
- region: bucket get referer fix (ad4c3a38e3, lvyangyang)
- region: tag list key case insensitive (909eeeb782, Qu Xuan)
- region: wire get vpc releated hosts is empty (b7a8b37f7d, Zexi Li)
- region: get provider name via GetProviderName (c6592cadc4, rainzm)
- region: get provider name via GetProviderName (83f017a07b, rainzm)
- region: download cached image from source host before migrating (708db7b956, Zexi Li)
- region: optimized secgroup rule sync (633734719f, Qu Xuan)
- region: auto sync cloudaccount resources (b574323cba, Qu Xuan)
- region: allow domain admin to obtain ssh private keys (835a311275, rainzm)
- region: huawei sync storages bugfix (797101e6ca, TangBin)
- region: qcloud request retry (bd8cf2453d, Qu Xuan)
- region: continue to sync the snapshots that are being created when syncing auto created snapshot (eb049034c2, rainzm)
- region: avolid aliyun fin bucket list objects error (5a82bffebd, Qu Xuan)
- region: allow member user get saml auth addr (880e09ee34, Qu Xuan)
- region,baremetal: choose candidate network not according by types (e2201a80f3, Zexi Li)
- region,baremetal: pxe net reuse converted server access ip (2c7f8d93f6, Zexi Li)
- region,climc: eips: rename arg name for requested eip addr (4a8eee0db3, Yousong Zhou)
- region,esxiagent: allow host behind a nat (a5327c3cec, Qiu Jian)
- region,glance: list by os arch adapt to empty strings (8a82407f90, wanyaoqi)
- region,host: fix hot remove nic (d9137720ab, wanyaoqi)
- region,host: sync status check block jobs (5bbf364f2b, wanyaoqi)
- region,scheduler: filter enabled skus (646a6e3882, Qu Xuan)
- region,scheduler: fix netwrok predicate (ff9d051fab, wanyaoqi)
- region,yunionapi,glance: using global proxy (57ae689490, Qu Xuan)
- scheduler: sku by region and fill onecloud vpc networks (a78c565d4f, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: clean expire cache before schedule (c0da4cc524, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: storage medium type should not exact match (#10191) (7a37232aaa, Jian Qiu)
- scheduler: select resource unordered (6a80a12664, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: fetch input network when specified (870db8e879, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: storage predicate add actualCapacity filter (bdd112e80b, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: sku filter check zone if only prefer region specified (c87c2b384b, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: get candidates error more info (7d836f77a6, Zexi Li)
- scheduler: check candidate tag resource is nil (a7e40d36c5, Zexi Li)
- taskman: use admin token if task userCred token expired (4043cd8342, Qiu Jian)
- taskman: SSubTask: set model manager (da4c2dcaa4, Yousong Zhou)
- telegraf: megactl raid add rebuild status (85f971a21d, zhaoxiangchun)
- treewide: fix task error recording (c6970e9a25, Yousong Zhou)
- vpcagent: models: guestnetworks: accomodate change_ipaddr (9beb3706ed, Yousong Zhou)
- vpcagent: ovn: stable dns A record value (25cd808840, Yousong Zhou)
- webconsole: trim api_server url if end with slashes (859e2078a2, Zexi Li)
- wire: init and change status (e54d1e1cb9, rainzm)
Bugfix (3)
- monitor: 导出信息中添加全局字典配置 (839df9025a, zhaoxiangchun)
- region: server change config rebase to sched task (999cc74bde, wanyaoqi)
- region: fix list by srever type normal (23e4a483dc, wanyaoqi)
Build (13)
- ansibleserver: use ansibleserver-base:v1.0.3 (ea0523e02f, Yousong Zhou)
- ansibleserver-base: v1.0.3: add sshpass (88311dacaa, Yousong Zhou)
- cloudproxy: add dockerfile (361e20c334, Yousong Zhou)
- y18n: add apigateway (9766594dac, Yousong Zhou)
- skip y18n-check for now (7042f97cd9, Yousong Zhou)
- add y18n-check, y18n-gen (c786a56efa, Yousong Zhou)
- use centos-build:1.1-4 (139740613f, Yousong Zhou)
- docker: add ModName (87e08c49de, Yousong Zhou)
- docker: move to Makefile.common.mk (7a01f72d64, Yousong Zhou)
- docker: align centos variant with the alpine one (d7804f6da7, Yousong Zhou)
- docker: make target GOARCH/GOOS/CGO_ENABLED aware (3d7e5aaf92, Yousong Zhou)
- docker: remove GOFLAGS export (6c7a124481, Yousong Zhou)
- docker: use openvswitch 2.10.5-1 (ce86ed8161, Yousong Zhou)
Chore (5)
- host: options: use rundir /var/run/onecloud for sdnagent (1709aa2e14, Yousong Zhou)
- monitor: delete suggestion files (ad0c063fb9, zhaoxiangchun)
- util: update centos build version to 1.1-3 (84d64df0c9, wanyaoqi)
- utils: add deb build script (2d0b3c4527, wanyaoqi)
- vendor: update google.golang.org/grpc@v1.29.1 (665de6d56e, Yousong Zhou)
Climc (7)
- add commands server-make-sshable, server-make-sshable-cmd (51cd8bd2f6, Yousong Zhou)
- compute: add command server-sshable (f9cfee0554, Yousong Zhou)
- add commands for cloudproxy (034bf55af7, Yousong Zhou)
- costreports: fix bad struct tag (229c024729, Yousong Zhou)
- helper: add BatchCreate helper (027817f565, Yousong Zhou)
- helper: create call as a standalone method (85aa05f1f7, Yousong Zhou)
- s/Keyworkd/Keyword/ (a56aca9cbe, Yousong Zhou)
Cloudprovider (2)
- add ErrAddressCountExceed (325623a70e, Yousong Zhou)
- ICloudNic: add methods for secondary addresses (d0f64150c2, Yousong Zhou)
Cloudproxy (18)
- agent: no collision between ports of ssh conn and forwards (cb35bc3067, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: refresh every 11 seconds (96bcefd50b, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: ssh: wait ssh conn state while passing it out (0a31365190, Yousong Zhou)
- test proxy endpoint connectivity and remote config (50395f7f7b, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: more verbose log for ssh connect failure (20f04d2fc5, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: wait a while on connect error (2cfdb0a08a, Yousong Zhou)
- forwards: show details for fwd returned from create-from-server (92a4bebb2e, Yousong Zhou)
- proxy_endpoints: create-from-server: allow specify name (f8b4d799ae, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: return when ctx is Done (3407b98a8d, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: avoid stallment caused by client timeout (2bda95c62b, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: ssh: cancel on return from Start (ed061d0821, Yousong Zhou)
- add metadata model (8701114f78, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: fix possible invalid memory access (ba7fe6f544, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: use yunion.io/x/onecloud/pkg/util/ssh (4b01916e64, Yousong Zhou)
- forwards: more list filter conditional keys (148481f03e, Yousong Zhou)
- apis: add ForwardDetails definition (6ec27d22b5, Yousong Zhou)
- agent: refresh bindAddr, advertiseAddr when needed (4c2c0c3d24, Yousong Zhou)
- initial version (5eefa38f84, Yousong Zhou)
Code Refactoring (16)
- apis: compute: remove EIP_CHARGE_TYPE_DEFAULT (a48d0ab7fb, Yousong Zhou)
- climc: remove dependence for
(8e128a9863, rainzm) - climc: webconsole: use helper methods of response struct (db8307822f, Yousong Zhou)
- climc: use shell.NewResourceCmd for notice (59218fa314, rainzm)
- host: startvm: nic_speed: use raw string (d4093e2155, Yousong Zhou)
- host: startvm: for compat (52c3e93af7, Yousong Zhou)
- host: startvm: add QEMU_CMD_KVM_ARG (dae06cb500, Yousong Zhou)
- host: hostdhcp: do not import guestman (50e6810643, Yousong Zhou)
- host: host_health: do not import guestman (1e4c294fd9, Yousong Zhou)
- host: metadata: eliminate ref of guestNic (de2f1ec3b4, Yousong Zhou)
- hostman: metadata: eliminate import of guestman (6dce7d8ebc, Yousong Zhou)
- hostman: use metadata.DescGetterFunc (38b6e011ef, Yousong Zhou)
- notify: add StartSubcontactPullTask for receiver (aabb200585, rainzm)
- scheduler: remove unused k8s predicates code (dbfd5a8e5d, Zexi Li)
- webconsole: use structured response (c7d099b6fb, Yousong Zhou)
- webconsole: api: add helper methods for response struct (4cd1d4ba7c, Yousong Zhou)
Db (8)
- add GetItemDetails (2e82399204, Yousong Zhou)
- interface: manager: add HasName() method (1d25083bfe, Yousong Zhou)
- standalone_anon: empty result for name query (8e2c8feabf, Yousong Zhou)
- add standalone_anon (3d53f8dabe, Yousong Zhou)
- add manager methods appliers (6bf5be5b0b, Yousong Zhou)
- virtualjoint: add FilterById on RowId (6c65eb1ea6, Yousong Zhou)
- modelbase: BatchCreateValidateCreateData: return orig data (89361aee27, Yousong Zhou)
- check funcs required by dispatcher (805002005f, Yousong Zhou)
Db_dispatcher (3)
- allow batch create for models without name (b271ab4631, Yousong Zhou)
- delay compute to where needed (a57a63bf58, Yousong Zhou)
- remove unused GetExtraDetails call (fd98674c92, Yousong Zhou)
Etcd (1)
- fix "fatal error: concurrent map writes" (b424a8f67d, Yousong Zhou)
Feature (7)
- add a standalone dhcp relay service (baabc82903, Qiu Jian)
- climc: add policy-clone command (c03325975d, Qiu Jian)
- climc: policy save data into file (56d583e90b, Qiu Jian)
- cloudcommon: split opslog table (ab75c8f93c, Qiu Jian)
- compute: allow live migration with checking Host CPU modes (5660125893, Qiu Jian)
- keystone: user add language attribute (5cf5576e09, Qiu Jian)
- region: support AWS organization (2da59aa89f, Qiu Jian)
Features (186)
- add keep_tmpdir options (cfa426bc18, rainzm)
- add nas sync (0343daa1fa, Qu Xuan)
- download the role to tmpdir not system role dir (6d7764550e, rainzm)
- support EventNotify (755e00750a, rainzm)
- call EventNotify when event occurs (e991bc3452, rainzm)
- change go version from 1.12 to 1.13 in go.mod (1ddebfff55, rainzm)
- ansibleserver: update file_reop version in dockerfile (bf839f9add, rainzm)
- ansibleserver: add reference and instance (c95f064d10, rainzm)
- ansibleserver: respect keepTmpdir when running ansibleplaybook v1 (7b0f45261d, rainzm)
- apigateway: differentiate error messages when logging in (4762afc32b, rainzm)
- apis: region: names for guest forward API (447770dfc6, Yousong Zhou)
- apis: add const VPC_OVN_ENCAP_COST (e201573d61, Yousong Zhou)
- apis: add host forward request/response struct (e7f618228b, Yousong Zhou)
- appsrv: Application: add Stop method for shutdown behaviour (771824d307, Yousong Zhou)
- arm64,build: arm 编译时,不编译 rbdcli (31363d8d03, Zhang Dongliang)
- baremetal: support H3C oem baremetal (b5813e81b8, Zexi Li)
- build: make multi arch manifest docker image (7c6bc61dcb, Zexi Li)
- climc: add cloud-account-preparenets-vmware command (9d048f8f9b, rainzm)
- climc: print json object support array (47a2f5a9d9, Zexi Li)
- climc: wires: allow filter by bandwidth (9844d1c29f, Yousong Zhou)
- climc: servers: add server forward commands (549ae15a44, Yousong Zhou)
- climc: k8s cluster addon add enable native ip alloc option (347d9ad1ca, Zexi Li)
- climc: add k8s component minio and thanos operate subcmd (2c56715459, Zexi Li)
- cloudcommon: add NotifyWithContact (66f373d073, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: send message with mobile in NotifyWithTag (bab03027c1, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: allways send webconsole notification via contacts (a8ea8b10cc, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: expand notifyclient (80092443a7, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: opslog: log joint models (456ed5f746, Yousong Zhou)
- cloudcommon: send it directly if there is no template corresponding to the topic (87a8bc1a03, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: set TaskNotifyUrl in GetTaskRequestHeader (e671a218e9, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: db: jointbase: add list:"user" for RowId (64dc5219f7, Yousong Zhou)
- cloudcommon: determine the notification template based on the user’s language preference (2eebef810f, rainzm)
- cloudcommon: add rolecache (7dba32d990, rainzm)
- cloudid: notify clouduser created (fc0f05286f, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: support aliyun saml auth (3cf6d2f326, Qu Xuan)
- cloudid: add azure saml (0752512581, Qu Xuan)
- cloudproxy: add GetDetailsLastseen for forwards (8d7a991d62, rainzm)
- db: progressive inspection when determining the required scope (167a65cd0e, rainzm)
- devtool: add ScriptApplyId fro ScriptApplyRecord (0078bde428, rainzm)
- devtool: check sshable before applying ansible playbook for server (a1f508929f, rainzm)
- devtool: add script (abd7771c78, rainzm)
- devtool: makes the process of installing the agent more rigorous (769425f58a, rainzm)
- docker: inject playbook and telegraf installation packages (c043af3ae2, rainzm)
- esxi: support iso when creating vm (dd75241222, rainzm)
- esxi: fetch vmware network configuration info (51167aa8ca, rainzm)
- esxi: change parameters for NewDiskDev and avoid unnecessary deploy (6cb91fdea0, rainzm)
- esxi: update guest os info (37c1ba3636, rainzm)
- esxiagent: determine vs by bridge and network when creating vm (639e7b16f0, rainzm)
- fetcherfs: make rpm and deb package (d518257c3a, Zexi Li)
- glance: support backend storage s3 (6e2894df25, wanyaoqi)
- host: adjust qemu args to support aarch64 (1cd6cf50af, Zexi Li)
- host: add option OvnEncapIpDetectionMethod can-reach:xx (bbc511f6d1, Yousong Zhou)
- host: metadata: make vpc aware metadata handler (43215c2ad2, Yousong Zhou)
- host: startvm: set vpc nic mtu (319d2cc563, Yousong Zhou)
- host: startvm: add nic_mtu shell func (0139611d14, Yousong Zhou)
- host: guestman: add {Open,Close,List}Forward handler (daf863bd44, Yousong Zhou)
- host: kvm: add GetVpcNIC (eb6febcc16, Yousong Zhou)
- host: options: add option SdnSocketPath (7b55e756ed, Yousong Zhou)
- host: forwarder: add NewClient func (925cc31b44, Yousong Zhou)
- host: go generate forwarder api (e8ec0718cf, Yousong Zhou)
- host: add forwarder.proto (d07bece954, Yousong Zhou)
- host-deployer: add deploy driver libguestfs (948f926bf6, wanyaoqi)
- hostman: options: add sdn_allow_conntrack_invalid (bf9ecdfd19, Yousong Zhou)
- keystone: add GetDefaultAdminSession (c22f221898, rainzm)
- keystone: support alertNotify when abnormal login occur (f41c840d85, rainzm)
- keystone: support projectDomainId in SAssignmentManager.FetchAll (afbb4a0470, rainzm)
- keystone: add options to set admin and domain admin role to notify (1b96a290d0, rainzm)
- keystone: support filter 'project_domain_id' in role_assignments (399bce619a, rainzm)
- keystone: more specific error return during authentication (46a1312336, rainzm)
- keystone,apigateway: return a readable message when the user is locked or disabled (9c4fd94d7a, rainzm)
- locale: update (851b36d74b, rainzm)
- mcclient,itsm: modify itsm mcclient rpc func (8881be5a24, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: alert add silent period param (be09fc0464, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: add global alertrecord (c39e6778e6, --global)
- monitor: support create nodata alert from web (805ea5c0f5, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: add nodata alert policy (4888f7d819, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: alert policy filter by res_type (3fa8520c5c, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: monitor add trigger value when send notify info (ab33ae6924, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: Lists the records that are currently alarting (7e9dfe0f9a, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: influxQuery add P95 reduce (1b71ba64b7, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: add alert slience time and modify scoperesource FetchUniqValues func (54271b78ad, --global)
- monitor: add metric description (33074ba818, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: monitor alert policy add mobile notify (df7afc852a, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: meter相关报警内容处理 (36ed09cd15, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: query reduce percentile (2b22f227a6, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: get today alerting resource info (376d18e5eb, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: support monitor overview influxdb query pass through (3f51fa67ec, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: alert record add silentPeriod info (508c8b926b, zhaoxiangchun)
- multicloud: add snapshots list for ecloud (e3be359237, rainzm)
- netutils2: add MyIPTo (1c39030edb, Yousong Zhou)
- notify: add params for create notification (f9fa70d32a, rainzm)
- notify: add local template (f265be1c59, rainzm)
- notify: mandatory update of VERIFY and USER_LOGIN_EXCEPTION templates (cafe1d7b53, rainzm)
- notify: verification email style optimization (304248ce18, rainzm)
- notify: permit admin sending notification via contact (3ba52355b8, rainzm)
- notify: add default area code for mobile (5f9cee49b0, rainzm)
- notify: add template about topic USER_LOGIN_EXCEPTION (1669947a54, rainzm)
- notify: show only users under the domain in the recipient details of the message (b31f69926c, rainzm)
- notify: send notifications of different templates according to language (ebc32e693d, rainzm)
- notify: add webconsole in enabled contact types (8aeda8f841, rainzm)
- notify: exempt the administrator to update the receiver verification (66b6a2f62c, rainzm)
- notify: add intellij-get for receiver (6ed0b5e9fa, rainzm)
- notify: user cmdline helpler for climc notify-receiver-xxx (e8a085a947, rainzm)
- notify: change default verify expire interval 5m => 2m (d28a12d6e7, rainzm)
- notify: filter receivers who join the project under the domain where the requester is currently located (c1ef5f28f2, rainzm)
- notify: 管理后台新建的联系人,手机号和邮箱无需进行校验 (956850ae3d, rainzm)
- notify: support international mobile (bdb6df6e4d, rainzm)
- notify: remove disk's event notify for now (1f8ed87249, rainzm)
- notify: be compatible with mobile in event notify (15c506086d, rainzm)
- notify: clean data for receiver_notifications (b292982fc5, rainzm)
- notify: add subscription in notify (50be5c5f77, rainzm)
- notify: delete the notification 1 month ago and remove the data migration (094b85773f, rainzm)
- region: wire: allow filter by bandwidth (104e5c5c07, Yousong Zhou)
- region: stop guest before freeze (3c7f2ff16d, wanyaoqi)
- region: azure tags (351e2cc38a, lvyangyang)
- region: add host count when list wires (68c6216167, rainzm)
- region: support merging mutli wires to a wire (c4dbd9bb55, rainzm)
- region: aws elasticahe (336135b663, lvyangyang)
- region: add options DeleteSnapshotExpiredRelease (17f04c3388, rainzm)
- region: send webhook server_create when canceling pending delete (bf378452a4, rainzm)
- region: distinguish between pending delete and delete notification (81588c92ae, rainzm)
- region: networks: add getMtu method (a0ad627114, Yousong Zhou)
- region: make DeleteSnapshotExpiredRelease applies to postpaid vm (ebb29b21e0, rainzm)
- region: add server delete options (ffc1dd2cb3, Qu Xuan)
- region: support merging wire (0aa5c2ef1c, rainzm)
- region: azure rds (378b7d39b1, lvyangyang)
- region: guest: add {open,close,list}-forward API (1427d1b3a6, Yousong Zhou)
- region: guest: add fetchGuestNICs method (8f54866272, Yousong Zhou)
- region: guestdrivers: guest forward open, close, list methods (4dd3945804, Yousong Zhou)
- region: nat op support (18445ba433, Qu Xuan)
- region: disks and eip delete with server (6081595adf, Qu Xuan)
- region: nat op support (9dd3bb2189, Qu Xuan)
- region: filter schedtags from cloudprovider_id (6ec0b38b11, rainzm)
- region: add wire info in HostNetwork details (16e7346871, rainzm)
- region: virtually display the esxiagent of the cached image as a host (791f942196, rainzm)
- region: add tags implement (66009c3325, lvyangyang)
- region: add SCloudregionResourceBase for SInstanceSnapshot (e4cd054b74, rainzm)
- region: multilingual timer description (377177cfd2, rainzm)
- region: server list add parameter eip_associable (2d19d961c7, TangBin)
- region: export user tags support virtual resources (2675f75c80, wanyaoqi)
- region: add test for CloudaccountManger.PerformPrepareNets (292716b269, rainzm)
- region: support sync skus by cloudregion (04fa96d9c8, TangBin)
- region: larger suggest network and more complete vlanid (fee218c59c, rainzm)
- region: support sync skus by cloudregion (c862f06996, TangBin)
- region: sync Esxi HostWire for esxi host (f654636e5f, rainzm)
- region: disable synchronization of some special storage (6a9f2a416f, rainzm)
- region: support Ecloud (readonly) (34cbe2d55b, rainzm)
- region: add instance_snapshot for regionquota (d1ed0ec679, rainzm)
- region: set pendingUsage before creating instance snapshots (4b73139763, rainzm)
- region: regiondriver: add methods on eip charge type (5550803667, Yousong Zhou)
- region: bucket list uploads (ef9d2df3ce, lvyangyang)
- region: save image for public cloud (a1a025eec9, Qu Xuan)
- region: server sku os_arch & cpu_arch checking (0ac88cfe0a, tangbin)
- region: allow to update account with provider vmware (12d1aa805d, rainzm)
- region: allow prepare nets for existed cloudaccounts (9a23c9da67, rainzm)
- region: add wire level for preparing network (a7eadb54e6, rainzm)
- region: add bucket cloud tags support (2edde62fca, lvyangyang)
- region: support synchronize vmware's network configuration to the local (d9e75aaa0e, rainzm)
- region: 多云 bucket website.cors,referer 配置 (8a9ec04f9f, lvyangyang)
- region: huawei recovery new rds (1f91cc0f15, Qu Xuan)
- region: add instance storage capability (f4df3223bb, Qu Xuan)
- region: add list filter server type (64e844425a, wanyaoqi)
- region: add ecloud monitor metric (1883e72597, zhaoxiangchun)
- region: increase the log for debugging when syncing cloudimage (74874d35dc, rainzm)
- region: host list order by server count (0cd7fdd8bb, Zexi Li)
- region: set metadata for guest with agent installed (4ea9204664, rainzm)
- region: return forwardDetails when query server sshable (fb1fb906fa, rainzm)
- region: cloudregion add disk capability api (71ee5d8519, TangBin)
- region: networkaddresses: filter by guest ids (9dfea3835b, Yousong Zhou)
- region: options: allow setting default vpc external access mode (984dc84239, Yousong Zhou)
- region: add zone disk capability api (22cc784a48, TangBin)
- region: search server by substr of ip or mac (639d05dd43, Yousong Zhou)
- region: optimized public image sync (7bac9144ef, Qu Xuan)
- region: set qcloud bucket policy (1591f0ab81, lvyangyang)
- region/glance: update cpu arch apis (3f8e469438, wanyaoqi)
- region/schedtag: schedtag support set multi resources (3edf8c1d08, Zexi Li)
- scripts: add prompt of
version (d6d1082042, rainzm) - scripts: add export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 (e52da6ca5f, rainzm)
- scripts: add more reasonable title for cherry pick PR (c5f94e13a3, rainzm)
- suggestion,apigateway: add analysispredict climc (b0293b11f6, zhaoxiangchun)
- suggestion,mcclient: add suggestsysalert-delete climc (eeb77e4c3a, zhaoxiangchun)
- util: support uint64 in bitmap (ed8a88fc5c, rainzm)
- vpcagent: export subnet mac gen funcs (65220a6f5a, Yousong Zhou)
- vpcs: list: add order_by_network_count (3b9412056b, Yousong Zhou)
- webconsole: add huawei vnc support (5129296744, TangBin)
- webhook: send webhook notification when c/d loadbalancerlisterrule (93f98d55ad, rainzm)
Guest_deploy_task (1)
- log other deploy details with i18n (827c298bc5, Yousong Zhou)
Guests (3)
- sshable: fix breaking out from wait loop (50f0ca5290, Yousong Zhou)
- sshable: wait and retry for newly created forward (bfe665bbf6, Yousong Zhou)
- sshable: log error should unmarshal fail (b242af75f4, Yousong Zhou)
Hostman (2)
- ovn: do not set external_ids:iface-id for backup (4e19feccc7, Yousong Zhou)
- metadata: add handler for /local-sub-ipv4s (9f31365416, Yousong Zhou)
Keystone (1)
- reword error messages (a012496cbb, Yousong Zhou)
Locales (4)
- generate (8a922ad81f, Yousong Zhou)
- zh-CN: add some translations (ac1232f94e, Yousong Zhou)
- regenerate locales.go (eb6be534e7, Yousong Zhou)
- zh-CN: regenerate messages.gotext.json (719f919021, Yousong Zhou)
Mcclient (3)
- models: Server: add fields for eip and nics (b7f2004670, Yousong Zhou)
- Sshkeypairs: add FetchPrivateKey (fc7fe4cca7, Yousong Zhou)
- auth: add SessionCache (0440f4a303, Yousong Zhou)
Multicloud (12)
- qcloud: fix instancenic (d7a11d1abf, Yousong Zhou)
- qcloud: add ptr deref func (77af00ec7d, Yousong Zhou)
- qcloud: add apiDomainByRegion (cd4d0a27b2, Yousong Zhou)
- qcloud: add getVpcClient (101abde5ae, Yousong Zhou)
- qcloud: add getSdkClient (68b8b7f7cd, Yousong Zhou)
- aliyun: instancenic: handle InvalidOperation.Ipv4CountExceeded (d14a35fa2c, Yousong Zhou)
- aws: subaddress management (8042a74295, Yousong Zhou)
- aws: instancenic: add interface id attribute (f656504587, Yousong Zhou)
- aliyun: instancenic: secondary address management (33fdcda955, Yousong Zhou)
- ICloudNic: add GetId() (ab7ad856b5, Yousong Zhou)
- ICloudNic: fix GetMAC() (1569966aa3, Yousong Zhou)
- aliyun: make getSdkClient proxy aware (ff525a9595, Yousong Zhou)
Networkaddresses (6)
- handle cloudprovider.ErrAddressCountExceed (18ac0205b3, Yousong Zhou)
- do server sync for on premise servers (374b96553c, Yousong Zhou)
- disallow batch create for external resources (b0f958e8ab, Yousong Zhou)
- cloudprovider support (4c04e48ac0, Yousong Zhou)
- add to nics field of guest desc (e3b55426aa, Yousong Zhou)
- add parent_type guestnetwork (1476f59130, Yousong Zhou)
Networks (4)
- server_type: do not allow update (c3fdda2ac1, Yousong Zhou)
- usedAddressQuery: rename with baseq, ownerq, retq (2306fbb6f5, Yousong Zhou)
- split getUsedAddressQuery as method of each manager (4ec791f031, Yousong Zhou)
- fix typo in log (10042037ab, Yousong Zhou)
Optimized (1)
- region: qcloud bucket policy set and get operation (addf12f43d, Qu Xuan)
Others (34)
- avoid log loss when token expired fix #10738 (84820637f5, Qu Xuan)
- fix wire status close #10737 (3e16bf9d04, Qu Xuan)
- response scope-specific metrics (c2d3355ba6, Qiu Jian)
- fix(monitor):修复监控总览图标钻取后返回数据异常的问题 (36bdc18a8a, zhaoxiangchun)
- (fix) region: qcloud elb https listener create fix (07eea2f703, tangbin)
- fix(region) qcloud multi zone instance sync account fix (8d153bcf23, tangbin)
- feat(region) qcloud redis support multi zones (678bcf75cc, tangbin)
- host 编译跨平台兼容 (18d8292f13, Zhang Dongliang)
- copyright update brand_cn&brand_en fix (43a879ccb2, tangbin)
- infos copyright add brand_en&brand_cn (b5958bb6b9, tangbin)
- redis update tags fix (6ae4883db2, tangbin)
- aws change flavor fix (f4e98cc717, TangBin)
- server create sku parameter fix (cfaadc29c2, TangBin)
- change os_arch_arm to os_arch_aarch64 (bbaf32a47c, tangbin)
- update vendor (d9229ef160, rainzm)
- imagetools NormalizeImageInfo update (80a235e3a7, TangBin)
- warp aws err with errors.Wrap (7b7a7a5615, TangBin)
- add cost report module (cc175615f5, bistuzx@163.com)
- server skus filter by mem size fix (9c7d6f54da, tangbin)
- loadbalancer add lb purge validate (f6a6652600, tangbin)
- add budget set alert log (54d4356d33, bistuzx@163.com)
- Automated cherry pick of #9752: feature(region): sync cloud tags to local user tags (#9753) (7e60397c15, Jian Qiu)
- fix reservation columns (66d2820f01, bistuzx@163.com)
- add cost&prepaid_cost to reservation (fe1e9ff936, bistuzx@163.com)
- fix budget import format (802f2d9f4d, bistuzx@163.com)
- fix reservation import format (2fbe01505d, bistuzx@163.com)
- add meter budget&event&reservation module (3d82632e96, bistuzx@163.com)
- .circleci: use centos-build:1.1-4 (f31a2175c5, Yousong Zhou)
- scripts/docker_push.sh: minor polishments (ac713700ac, Yousong Zhou)
- scripts/docker_push.sh: use toplevel Makefile target (e778b99b78, Yousong Zhou)
- scripts/coverage.sh: detect use of "-mod vendor" (57b4cec5d4, Yousong Zhou)
- update vendor (4895175a53, Qiu Jian)
- update vendor (e31abb6f0d, Qiu Jian)
- 负载均衡ACL&证书增加项目和共享 (18a185aec9, TangBin)
Procutils (4)
- WaitZombieLoop: remove unneeded info request (9da0b2e7db, Yousong Zhou)
- WaitZombieLoop: less verbose iota (6acc3e8cca, Yousong Zhou)
- WaitZombieLoop: use const str "1" for my pid (970aa949a7, Yousong Zhou)
- add WaitZombieLoop (26183d0de8, Yousong Zhou)
Refact (1)
- region: resource tags (66b97aa112, lvyangyang)
Region (18)
- guests: sshable: more compact make-sshable-cmd (c63e05d926, Yousong Zhou)
- guests: sshable: add GET /servers/<server-id>/make-sshable-cmd (554e03fde8, Yousong Zhou)
- guests: sshable: add POST /servers/<server-id>/make-sshable (d4451640ae, Yousong Zhou)
- guests: sshable: add field sshable_last_state (db0e28434f, Yousong Zhou)
- guests: sshable: refactor for reusability (4ab5c2c29a, Yousong Zhou)
- guests: sshable: only check sshable state when in running state (042a572818, Yousong Zhou)
- guests: sshable: return early on sshable=true (188cac1fdb, Yousong Zhou)
- guests: sshable: more friendly fail reason for proxy_forward (59e224518a, Yousong Zhou)
- guests: add GET /servers/<guest-id>/sshable (05545a0e45, Yousong Zhou)
- apis: route: add nexthop type "IP" (97433ccfab, Yousong Zhou)
- fix setting nic index (1b07ee7987, Yousong Zhou)
- attachnetwork: allow attach by network name (90fd8c868f, Yousong Zhou)
- usages: add [{all,domain}.]networks etc. (b2980ce2b4, Yousong Zhou)
- wires: totalCountQ: filter networks by scope and owner (7a498b88f4, Yousong Zhou)
- usages: fix field name of vpcs for system scope (098f99314d, Yousong Zhou)
- fix error msg for invalid wire_level_for_vmware (a90a26a4ec, Yousong Zhou)
- networks: attach func use struct args (97dbd1899f, Yousong Zhou)
- networkresource: fix signature of GetExtraDetails (7444234981, Yousong Zhou)
Regions (1)
- lbagents: move pb update/create as mcclient module method (dfc1680176, Yousong Zhou)
Schedtags (1)
- add ListItemExportKeys (cc00e58f58, Yousong Zhou)
Treewide (1)
- wait possible zombies (a8857a34ab, Yousong Zhou)
Util (1)
- ssh: add ConnectContext method for ClientConfig (e4662b77f1, Yousong Zhou)
Validators (1)
- set xx_id when possible (9b13becd1d, Yousong Zhou)
Vendor (5)
- add tencentcloud-sdk-go vpc (00da68cb1f, Yousong Zhou)
- bump alibaba-cloud-sdk-go to v1.61.684 (fe6714b287, Yousong Zhou)
- add github.com/aliyun/alibaba-cloud-sdk-go/services/ecs (3bbaedaa7f, Yousong Zhou)
- bump yunion.io/x/pkg (02315bdd85, Yousong Zhou)
- bump yunion.io/x/sqlchemy (d67eeac5dd, Yousong Zhou)
Vpcagent (9)
- ovn: fix port match condition formation (840273c189, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: fix qos for eip upload (eee6e59b88, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: add ClaimRoutes (0a929ed335, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: resolveRoutes from API models (2ec4a1cec7, Yousong Zhou)
- models: annotate guest with guestnetworks (3c3cd4c59e, Yousong Zhou)
- models: add route tables (f7c4e38e18, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn: make aware of sub ips (929fa87c5f, Yousong Zhou)
- models: join network addresses (be478c4430, Yousong Zhou)
- apihelper: filter by cloud_env=onpremise (d96d51603e, Yousong Zhou)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-operator
42 commits to cloudpods-operator - v3.7.0 since this release.
Apigateway (2)
- cors: rename spec field name to corsHosts (b0cbe70d, Yousong Zhou)
- allow setting cors_hosts (5ddbf03c, Yousong Zhou)
Bug Fixes (15)
- update vendor (b487d58f, Qiu Jian)
- policy description supports i18n (032591f4, Qiu Jian)
- update vendor (05059bdd, Qiu Jian)
- default policy name should be separated by dash (39a2f9c3, Qiu Jian)
- role-policy-create many create extra role-policies (5e9f0dc6, Qiu Jian)
- fail to init policy (e4eb3868, Qiu Jian)
- skip create policies error (9f8c24fc, Qiu Jian)
- make system roles private (58d2937b, Qiu Jian)
- access_url of common service config (55c2d570, Zexi Li)
- cloudmon: crond commond fmt err (bf42fd50, zhaoxiangchun)
- glance: comment s3 switch logical (6951110c, Zexi Li)
- monitor: system alert policy cancel description update limit (c527f297, zhaoxiangchun)
- monitor: raid卡监控规则status过滤参数调整 (8c6d8a4d, zhaoxiangchun)
- operator: modify crontab default interval (c7a5a153, zhaoxiangchun)
- telegraf: fix collect disk measurements (1aab711f, wanyaoqi)
Bugfix (1)
- suggestion: fix err when suggestion syncConfigMap (958d441e, zhaoxiangchun)
Chore (2)
- monitor: add new service: suggestion (40ead5ad, zhaoxiangchun)
- vendor: make mod (99f29106, wanyaoqi)
Defaults (1)
- using openvswitch image of tag 2.10.5-1 (16824698, Yousong Zhou)
Feature (1)
Features (11)
- deploy minio (a84723b6, Zexi Li)
- init devtool script and ansible reference for devtool (730c2158, rainzm)
- build: support multi arch docker image (7099dfe5, Zexi Li)
- cloudmon: add cloudmon alertrecord crontab (a8c841cd, zhaoxiangchun)
- component: remove kube-rbac-proxy (aece1da0, rainzm)
- framework: support multi zone (3915d942, wanyaoqi)
- glance: add minio support (3a808100, wanyaoqi)
- host: allow setting ovnEncapIpDetectionMethod (eb09d881, Yousong Zhou)
- host-deployer: update host-deployer spec (5b718dba, wanyaoqi)
- k8s: enable kubeserver (e104bf99, Zexi Li)
- operator: add nodata alert policy (0abeaf15, zhaoxiangchun)
Others (6)
- update vendor (5b8650fb, rainzm)
- update vendor (b5c3e214, Qiu Jian)
- Add cloudproxy (842686ce, Yousong Zhou)
- update vendor (db410a7c, Qiu Jian)
- feat:(monitor): update system monitor alert when alert has diff info (91212226, zhaoxiangchun)
- update vendor (61f46bf2, Qiu Jian)
Vendor (2)
- bump to current tip of release/3.7 (acfe4706, Yousong Zhou)
- update yunion.io/x/master to current release/3.6 (c6a629ea, Yousong Zhou)
Web (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-service-operator
1 commits to cloudpods-service-operator - v3.7.0 since this release.
Features (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/dashboard
847 commits to dashboard - v3.7.0 since this release.
Bug Fixes (242)
- typo for filter key (9c1d09dfa, Qu Xuan)
- remove public operation (94b78693b, Qu Xuan)
- trans server status (6e23e7009, Qu Xuan)
- init cloudshell in apigateway (c1a0c51b9, Qiu Jian)
- add tooltip for disk create (36e40719a, Qu Xuan)
- google disk max size limit (106830e0e, Qu Xuan)
- close socket when close cloud shell (dcd69c06f, Qiu Jian)
- nat price issue (d56dd264a, Qu Xuan)
- add azure saml auth (2d8766db2, Qu Xuan)
- init xterm for cloudshell, needs more work (fbf3d0be5, Qiu Jian)
- init xterm for cloudshell, needs more work (c98eca20e, Qiu Jian)
- add filter (151183d97, Qu Xuan)
- format gb for nas capacity (37419f484, Qu Xuan)
- access group details (dd2fbfdcb, Qu Xuan)
- misc fixed for cloudbox (44385e40b, Qiu Jian)
- support prepaid vm change config (f9090d188, Qu Xuan)
- add action log filter (23df001f7, Qu Xuan)
- nat filter and details (aecf72e69, Qu Xuan)
- resolve conflict (e660708cd, Qu Xuan)
- nat params (88799b0d4, Qu Xuan)
- add region filter (1fc642e60, Qu Xuan)
- add account filter (f2538bbe3, Qu Xuan)
- 修复工单记录数及状态 (9757c0ad8, mj)
- aliyun support public ip (259d3020e, Qu Xuan)
- eip associate support nat (858c7c612, Qu Xuan)
- 修复工单回复状态及参数问题 (395851c0d, mj)
- support peer secgroup (4d65ce7d4, Qu Xuan)
- add color reverse (6297455f8, Qu Xuan)
- tooltip for peer secgroup (58d1ada61, Qu Xuan)
- only aliyun eip support bind nat (274db611f, Qu Xuan)
- add nat domain permission (8876ed8fc, Qu Xuan)
- nas misc fix (1ac8dc743, Qu Xuan)
- nas create fix (71872107c, Qu Xuan)
- add OWNERS (d192ec0b9, Zexi Li)
- action policy (0c0ee0518, Qu Xuan)
- add log (be604dea9, mj)
- huawei price and nat sku scope params (c190b1f63, Qu Xuan)
- nat misc (a12734226, Qu Xuan)
- capacity (369e8c32c, Qu Xuan)
- nas policy (b26df510d, Qu Xuan)
- action log (66021f4f5, Qu Xuan)
- show end time (5e26d14f0, Qu Xuan)
- nat details (a5f69f718, Qu Xuan)
- secgroup cache policy (5af109c97, Qu Xuan)
- validate secgroup delete (713654aa9, Qu Xuan)
- no skus when change multi vm config (07066457f, Qu Xuan)
- #7298 vmware虚拟机主机快照没有显示大小 (0b9f4035d, mj)
- #7303 云账号-订阅-区域 全量同步报错 (1f1602c05, mj)
- add color show for input (c001568de, Qu Xuan)
- lable format (b69616b7d, Qu Xuan)
- private sku filter params (b55f14404, Qu Xuan)
- vpc create missing doamin params (c370a636d, Qu Xuan)
- secgroup scope (70ce641e6, Qu Xuan)
- 3.7: fix style (eb03cd3e5, mj)
- 3.7: filter params (93cc04e07, mj)
- 3.7: #7249 硬盘列表及自定义设置列中缺少“虚拟机” (b69d42855, mj)
- 3.7: #6885 切换二级菜单账单类型不应该发生变化 (c2f50d536, mj)
- 3.7: #3035 域管理员能够看到本域下其他用户提交的工单 (0a9c3d601, mj)
- 3.7: 币种cookie值初始化问题 (26c453b5d, mj)
- 3.7: #6839 change date delay 1 hours (c8b832482, mj)
- 3.7: #6839 change date delay 1 hours (7166d5f0b, mj)
- 3.7: const to let (c4003d6e4, mj)
- 3.7: #6926 规则配置操作日志中类型应该翻译成中文 (9ae79fb7d, mj)
- 3.7: #6839 change date delay 1 hours (2007d5da2, mj)
- 3.7: #6803 小屏,英文模式下创建虚拟机页面添加数据盘后按钮没有了 (2df98771c, mj)
- 3.7: fix style (e7e44839c, mj)
- 3.7: #7241 创建虚拟机时操作系统切换到“vmware平台镜像”中linux后Application->Local Storage->oc_selected_image中imageOS不应该仍是CentOs (1a9965440, mj)
- 3.7: change currency fetch data (4cb77dbf8, mj)
- 3.7/navbar: 去除运营平台的单独处理逻辑 (c2aee1836, 郝程宇)
- 3.7/redis create bottombar: 修改费用估算实际金额对应字段 (070618ebc, 郝程宇)
- Compute: #10789 baremetal install sys with zone and region error (d24079b57, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- DiskCreate: split error (3b927ff55, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- Network: update cloudregion params (bc6f0cb2a, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- Network: #7264 1366*768分辨率(14寸)创建VPC页面样式显示不全 (94e9ed9cc, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- OsSelect: #7261 创建vmware虚拟机时,vmware平台镜像vm-test应该归属于RHEL,不应该归属于linux (88d57f681, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- OsSelect: #7274 从ISO启动的windows系统vmware虚拟机重装系统选择windows系统时无法选中,前端报错 (b828a64a2, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- ServerPassword: 使用主机快照创建主机,不应该显示设置密码的输入框 (bbc53d663, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- Tag: identity tag details api version (d90a27e65, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- Tag: identity tag params (a02fb18d3, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- Xterm: refresh page method error (cdc0c0998, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- automation: adjust menu order (93a44f481, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: remove the 'number' prefix before date (e021ee25e, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: hide group actions in external projects (039de5a6c, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: english translation 20210220 (d68c9c431, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: translation 20210114 (c84018bc2, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: english transtion 20210109 (9cd38a321, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: english translation 20210206 (30efedfcc, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: remove create account tip if an account is created (9a7d59785, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: english translation 20210207 (88c7d3998, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: store dispatch should await (3c2c564bc, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: from menus of policy to system (39f2cb1a0, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: update scope params (4113d97de, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- cloudenv: english translation 20210125 (e4ff2ad06, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: english translation 20210205 (952971024, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: english translation 20210131 (e15d91673, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: menu adjustment (159447bd8, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: minor fixes (641c3ca06, Qiu Jian)
- cloudevent: add filter for cloudevent (366eac69d, Qu Xuan)
- common: add hotline tooltips beside ticket title (30541b94f, Qiu Jian)
- common: english translation 20210205 (7a0160e2b, Qiu Jian)
- common: save login domain in cookie (f6375f037, Qiu Jian)
- common: do not record login record when login through SSO (9974b1bdd, Qiu Jian)
- common: english translation 20210220 (c771ca596, Qiu Jian)
- common: adjust english translation 20200103 (8f30c20f4, Qiu Jian)
- common: allow use domain-specific hostname (28e97a269, Qiu Jian)
- common: fix misc bugs reported (7355fd904, Qiu Jian)
- common: compatible with yunionapi without sending api_server (892459161, Qiu Jian)
- common: remind on topAlert using wrong hostname (d2653ae90, Qiu Jian)
- common: cancel domain should reload login page (d3ca7ae9a, Qiu Jian)
- common: fetch region with domain params on login page (51b3ccb33, Qiu Jian)
- common: missing scope for newly added metrics (d2ee5a71e, Qiu Jian)
- common: search box keep text in search bar (7da7eef77, Qiu Jian)
- common: allow set login domain manually (b0f66e370, Qiu Jian)
- common: fetch api_server from auth/regions (9973406f8, Qiu Jian)
- common: english translation 20210125 (8129705d7, Qiu Jian)
- common: remove irrelivent translation (564114ed6, Qiu Jian)
- common: support cloud provider link in sidepage (029ec7049, Qiu Jian)
- common: prevent searchBox multiple search keys (0401b18d0, Qiu Jian)
- common: english translation 20210209 (ad77ca8a7, Qiu Jian)
- common: allow set copy message in name column (c112a7f27, Qiu Jian)
- common: add navbar switch to turn off license fetch (9deaed6b9, Qiu Jian)
- common: clean menu policy after login and logout (b966dab3c, Qiu Jian)
- common: english translation 20210127 (b58431c47, Qiu Jian)
- common: add user-info to common (69e864947, Qiu Jian)
- common: english translation 20210307 (0d8654b0d, Qiu Jian)
- common: add suggestion type of EXPIRE_SERVER_SKU (b0f72a515, Qiu Jian)
- common: fix login page interactive issues (e8c452b35, Qiu Jian)
- common: translation 20210116 (9ef11828b, Qiu Jian)
- common: english translation 20210116 (e5b0bbe64, Qiu Jian)
- common: add cloud_env constants (f03ec1093, Qiu Jian)
- common: english translations, login page lauyout (e28b3553a, Qiu Jian)
- common: english translation 20210131 (02125217b, Qiu Jian)
- common: englis translation 20210203 (8fb7a2714, Qiu Jian)
- common: hide external links when its empty (1415fd379, Qiu Jian)
- common: change menu cloudevents to cloudlogs (1c923de72, Qiu Jian)
- common: show external links with type external-service only (264e6d5cb, Qiu Jian)
- common: remove city from area-selects (16b85f2b1, Qiu Jian)
- common: english translation (1961f7be9, Qiu Jian)
- common: domain login UI recode (51f0d4286, Qiu Jian)
- common: english translation 20210312 (3040fef05, Qiu Jian)
- common: replace @:dictionary.identity_provider with Identity Provider (20f94069e, Qiu Jian)
- common: update metrics to disks.mounted (e91712779, Qiu Jian)
- common: global search support server template and snapshotpolicy (86135f797, Qiu Jian)
- common: english translation (6a62bade0, Qiu Jian)
- compute: change network security menu text (c6fe7bbee, Qiu Jian)
- compute: allow create images for public cloud (29e1ff077, Qiu Jian)
- compute: hide group actions for several list (b88413ce9, Qiu Jian)
- compute: menu adjustment 20210319 (f22c2acc7, Qiu Jian)
- compute: add prompt for saveing image on public cloud (0ac2dabae, Qiu Jian)
- compute: english translation 20210206 (0f270525d, Qiu Jian)
- compute: english translation (4368bf37c, Qiu Jian)
- compute: remove city from area-selects (ca63f06da, Qiu Jian)
- compute: enable iso for vmware (7ae0a034c, Qiu Jian)
- compute: os select backfill (b3e1cb1cb, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- compute: transfer i18n (01c3e9e88, songdengju)
- compute: check ownership when import secgroup rules (fa49f8e6c, Qiu Jian)
- compute: disk disabled when no cloud account ready (d29bcf6f1, Qiu Jian)
- compute: translation fix 20200109 (8dee0d628, Qiu Jian)
- compute: english translation 20210131 (3025c5af4, Qiu Jian)
- compute: english translation 20210220 (9597302fd, Qiu Jian)
- compute: add network default params limit (a303ceb19, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- compute: translation 20210114 (5a50f76fc, Qiu Jian)
- compute: 修复功能选择vmware,没有显示主机快照菜单 (b8dfb376c, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- compute: filter out disabled server skus (1e669af1a, Qiu Jian)
- compute: no use network fill error (f85ab8992, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- compute: 网络切换到自动调度后弹性公网IP使用默认,不支持新建 (a29dd5282, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- compute: replace webConsolePath env var with api_server/web-console/ (bb3340e4c, Qiu Jian)
- compute: adjust menu order (4289da461, Qiu Jian)
- compute: english translation 20210205 (1aadec6f8, Qiu Jian)
- compute: server create missing storage id (4c4298446, Qiu Jian)
- compute: show schedtag in domain and project views (4ebeeeda0, Qiu Jian)
- compute/createServer: eslint error (b0c66f245, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- dashboard: show container in numbercard only if k8s enabled (96ca58221, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: missing metrics on dashboard numbercard (9ac4ae794, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: dashboard usage filter by cloudenv (15810f25a, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: english translation 20210129 (9121918b8, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: ring data not init (4b7ae7b11, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: translation 20210117 (6e64746ef, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: minor quote error (e31960448, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: optimize english translation 20210104 (4f9522af5, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: add more nics metrics (34c08cf3f, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: english translation 20210104 (7a8549cb7, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: no k8s usage keys in numbercard (a453310d4, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: cost optimization widget updates (f3073eb29, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: allow modify default dashboard (3fae929bf, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: ring add reverse color attributes in default dashboards (35ae744ea, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: filter usage keys by scope on dashboard numbercard (5e34eb301, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: use eip.floating_ip as metrics for EIP (8e3aa2eb9, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: import ring widget (b1992ca58, Qiu Jian)
- dashboard: price & aliyun elb create fix (087f53165, tangbin)
- dashboard: env,brand,region remove default value (e297d10d5, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- dashboard: record dashboard widget (3f1c8156d, Qiu Jian)
- db: translation 20210117 (530e0ad57, Qiu Jian)
- db: remove city from area-selects (3ac728422, Qiu Jian)
- db: english translation (96547d72d, Qiu Jian)
- db: adjust menu order (d0d514fc2, Qiu Jian)
- db: no cloud account issues, but seems not working (d8f15d3c6, Qiu Jian)
- docs: wrong url prefix (aa15c4558, Zexi Li)
- helm: hide menus temporarily (cdb86640e, Qiu Jian)
- helm: english translation 20210125 (75e049fcb, Qiu Jian)
- helm: english translation 20210131 (94eeeb030, Qiu Jian)
- helm: not including monitor menu (5e50dfddc, Qiu Jian)
- host: 宿主机详情的type签应该不变 (114b733c4, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- i18n: alert firing (d74d269eb, Zexi Li)
- k8s: adjust menu order (fd96c44db, Qiu Jian)
- k8s: english translation 20210127 (6cadf3372, Qiu Jian)
- k8s: english translation 20210203 (e243fd7b1, Qiu Jian)
- monitor: alert translation (f04413949, Qiu Jian)
- monitor: english translation 20210182 (1e7e22509, Qiu Jian)
- monitor: translation minor 20210116 (b663ea46f, Qiu Jian)
- monitor: minor issues that raise browser warnings (d6d5505c1, Qiu Jian)
- monitor: normal => Normal (7e66ea9b7, Qiu Jian)
- monitor: adjust menu order (77b27d92e, Qiu Jian)
- monitor: no translation if lang is pt (5797a143a, Qiu Jian)
- multicloud: adjust menu order (c887f7221, Qiu Jian)
- network: add cloudenv check logic, but not work (10c4028d7, Qiu Jian)
- network: domain name validation should be updated to include new domains (5d63e7bf9, Qiu Jian)
- network: english translation 20210131 (83d10774b, Qiu Jian)
- network: translation 20210114 (29bccbc26, Qiu Jian)
- network: menu adjustment 20210319 (852c3f99e, Qiu Jian)
- network: english translation 20210220 (8b2a13622, Qiu Jian)
- network: simplify lb create title (efacb75a6, Qiu Jian)
- network: english translation 20210205 (d2d2bf3cf, Qiu Jian)
- network: hide group actions in lbacls (bb9ed9b80, Qiu Jian)
- network: adjust menu order (7bb396a78, Qiu Jian)
- network: remove city from area-selects (845807484, Qiu Jian)
- storage: english translation 20210131 (a75567e53, Qiu Jian)
- storage: translation 20210117 (7d46f12bd, Qiu Jian)
- storage: remove city from area-selects (df62330da, Qiu Jian)
- storage: adjust menu order (df861f1cd, Qiu Jian)
- storage: english translation 20210127 (8753b60b2, Qiu Jian)
- tagselect: tag select search style (4b6f1ac68, mj)
- trans: batch action (9edc85e40, Zexi Li)
- trans: batch action (e4baebff7, Zexi Li)
- translate: en (df20b98df, Zexi Li)
- translate: en (2293fef93, Zexi Li)
- translate: en (53a222aaf, Zexi Li)
- translate: en (bc2edff5f, Zexi Li)
- vminstance: 去掉调度策略选择云账号的逻辑处理 (c6ef90624, mj)
- workflow: domain name validation should be updated to include new domains (2322ad714, Qiu Jian)
- workflow: 工单走到系统管理员,待我审批中当前环节错误 (bef545e2b, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- workflow: 通过主机工单创建虚拟机失败,工单详情中缺少查看失败原因的链接 (dfe12f910, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
Bugfix (7)
- compute: close vminstance filter(vmem_size & disk) (5879bb8bb, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: fix osselect imageselect (04df87cef, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: restore arch column (d1be4c868, GuoLiBin6)
- dashboard: adjust echart (a33dd2d6b, GuoLiBin6)
- k8s: show detail list (1ce148d21, GuoLiBin6)
- navbar: change notifyPopover visiable (0dbdc9412, GuoLiBin6)
- vminstance: modify Cumpute vminstance label (da033b05d, dongliping)
Feat (3)
- 3.7: #3042 巴西反馈优化,value搜索没有值就直接消失了,应该为空 (01e89e706, mj)
- 3.7: #2812 控制面板 save and cancel 的按钮样式放大一些,意外退出提示保存 (45b11a95a, mj)
- 3.7: #2811 创建机器时 订阅选择 显示相应的云账号 (427a32eee, mj)
Feature (24)
- bill: add budget tags (bc02a92e0, GuoLiBin6)
- billing: support billing analysis scope (071e6b4cd, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: ui policies support hide sys menus (2e3efd05e, Qiu Jian)
- cloudenv: config router (ccbeb77a7, GuoLiBin6)
- clouduser: add Cloud Account in SamluserList (3885c2512, root)
- common: ui policies support hide menus (e065d28fb, Qiu Jian)
- common: add FetchLabel components (dd2db9ca6, Qiu Jian)
- compute: use list select to select block storage (44c70e9d0, Qiu Jian)
- compute: fix compute datadisk type (035639824, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: add #vm sort (38ea211fd, GuoLiBin6)
- compute: ui policies support hide sys menus (74e7d8c61, Qiu Jian)
- cumpute: add cumpute vminstance filter (4f920b549, 郭丽斌)
- dashboard: add dashboard metric url (fa0f5aba9, GuoLiBin6)
- dashboard: add quota sort (f1e429892, GuoLiBin6)
- db: ui policies support hide sys menus (ffd59c4fe, Qiu Jian)
- helm: ui policies hide system menus (1f995678a, Qiu Jian)
- host: add host vm sortable (0c0910850, GuoLiBin6)
- k8s: ui policies hide system menus (ed619260c, Qiu Jian)
- monitor: ui policies hide sys menus (d19e17ccc, Qiu Jian)
- network: ui policies hide system menus (6479b571b, Qiu Jian)
- scope: fix feishu verify (4bbbd1910, GuoLiBin6)
- scope: config menu list (ed0005069, GuoLiBin6)
- storage: ui policies hide system menus (8589fb939, Qiu Jian)
- system: add project instance snapshots (203a20830, GuoLiBin6)
Features (75)
- add workflow support (9420de6b1, mj)
- 控制第三方是否展示 (fb20242df, mj)
- 我发起的列表暂时不用多选框先隐藏掉 (587b388a3, mj)
- update login challenge style (b7a8c5bb2, mj)
- add nat operation (b37c3e4c1, Qu Xuan)
- 技术支持工单分离 (a5db601bf, mj)
- change link (00b4e20ff, mj)
- add i18n (296e0f2ec, mj)
- add browse (cfbd4f857, mj)
- update tag filter add params (d4a2cf769, mj)
- update i18n (9f13b117b, mj)
- update browse (7ac10bd42, mj)
- update state and check reply (3f19976a1, mj)
- add check process (5aa7f61e8, mj)
- add github PR template (3bb23dfbe, Zexi Li)
- 迁移第三方工单到技术支持 (9b5178764, mj)
- 调整技术支持工单 (d783be3ae, mj)
- update i18n (abca31078, mj)
- 发起人和技术支持的头像颜色区分 (1c8d5d409, mj)
- add i18n (f35a74aef, mj)
- add comment (1cad64cab, mj)
- 增加回复信息展示隐藏处理 (e6f1ac513, mj)
- add nas (dd1d81605, Qu Xuan)
- add nas (b0e31dfd6, Qu Xuan)
- update cloudprovider (657a774fc, mj)
- update 新建云主机时,选择平台后即可指定云订阅 (a094f2678, mj)
- update price comparator (6d4f84b8b, mj)
- update price comparator (ae18a4c69, mj)
- add broswe i18n (094c6a5ce, mj)
- update price comparator (e331165a5, mj)
- add server compara price (8e52bd5fd, mj)
- 3.7: update cloudshell (e3ceb44f1, mj)
- 3.7: #2823 目前只有全球区支持,所以账号类型为全球区时才有开启开启免密登录的开关 (7e440f7eb, mj)
- 3.7: #2991 新建云主机时,选择平台后即可指定云订阅 (89847d021, mingjiu)
- 3.7: 增加401无token跳转登录页面 (247cfcaf5, mj)
- 3.7: add logout socket handle (cb9b9ec9d, mj)
- 3.7: update ecloud icon (15279ec78, mj)
- 3.7: #2753 工单优先级增加到4级 (315a7138d, mj)
- 3.7: #2991 新建云主机时,选择平台后即可指定云订阅 (4bfa9bd31, mj)
- 3.7: add cloudshell (fb36a6a1a, mj)
- 3.7: add cloudshell (2e1904fde, mj)
- 3.7: #2735 工单系统,需要增加“优先级”字段 (2b9dd81b9, mj)
- 3.7: update cloudshell content (ac6f562d4, mj)
- 3.7: hide cloudshell (c24673266, mj)
- 3.7: add ecloud (d9b55153e, mj)
- 3.7: #2723 功能选择控制IP子网新建 (ebce57efe, mj)
- 3.7: add currency cookie (4a66e6b83, mj)
- 3.7: add currencys (d1230d3a1, mj)
- 3.7: add currency (d9ae53c82, mj)
- 3.7: 调整设置语言失败后默认语言回退到英文 (e15a9a41c, mj)
- 3.7: change menu icon (ef54538e0, mj)
- 3.7: #2823 用户点击Azure 「免密登录」按钮时进行弹窗提示且复制 (9450d65ef, mj)
- 3.7: add logout socket handle (b3cb81880, mj)
- 3.7: #2823 目前只有全球区支持,所以账号类型为全球区时才有开启开启免密登录的开关 (093865b82, mj)
- 3.7: #2823 Azure除全球区外,其他区该按钮需禁用且提示:Azure xxx区不支持免密认证 (5aca5a880, mj)
- 3.7: change fee menu icon (f5628bda5, mj)
- 3.7: change currency i18n (e076c3206, mj)
- 3.7: #2820 打开云账号之后,就可以看这个账号的资源的OverView (e5f5128ab, mj)
- Compute: server list action add permission (1c730b2c0, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- OcTerm: 优化CloudShell拖拽卡顿问题 (fb53109cd, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- OcTerm: update octerm style (007070e68, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- OcTerm: update octerm (d85e4d6ca, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- Tag: add permission support (cbb52de06, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- Tag: add identity tag (7bcab12a9, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- TagDetailColumn: add permission support (66be37c95, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- TagSelect: #3087 标签的复 杂搜索,支持contains, startswith, endswith, not (e5305eef7, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- TagSelect: support min-width (00677525a, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- bill: add suggestion i18n (24d2e1083, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- cloudenv,monitor: update receivers params for domain mode (689e9d376, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- cloudenv,monitor: update receivers params for domain mode (0ea370388, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- common: support show predict cost with dashed lines (adfc95916, Qiu Jian)
- compute, network: add action permission (51bdb0e2d, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- docs: docs url by scope (34ea69401, Zexi Li)
- docs: docs url by scope (bd3ccd8d8, Zexi Li)
- suggestion: update i18n (863736940, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
Fix (13)
- 3.7: #7257 创建云联壹云平台虚拟机,高级配置->调度策略中不应该有“指定云订阅” (f8cf9e717, mj)
- 3.7: #7065 规则配置与建议列表 建议降配的虚拟 机的规则字段 没有翻译对 (8f133a1e1, mj)
- 3.7: #7021 云账号详情资源统计中“对象存储容量”单位错误 (9c5939bd2, mj)
- 3.7: #7017 控制面板、监控大屏 本月支出可下降空间百分比显示错误 (098777307, mj)
- 3.7: #6975 云账号鼠标悬停信息去掉 (52ce93206, mj)
- 3.7: dashboard top5 (c9e0bc49e, mj)
- 3.7: #6943 控制 面板:费用优化切换币种后数据不准确 (39f0608e3, mj)
- 3.7: #6914 backport 到最早版本 云账号-更新账单文件信息回显有误 (81d7834bc, mj)
- 3.7: #6886 新建弹性伸缩组时修改最大实例数时期望和最小实例数不应该联动修改 (9d4f34782, mj)
- 3.7: #6865 控制面板优化建议相关的磁贴的设置条件中币种的值按照实际有的账单类型取 (167904c5e, mj)
- 3.7: #6765 虚拟机有3个IP,页面只暂时2个,优化MAC信息展示 (64fadabf8, mj)
- 3.7: #6765 虚拟机有3个IP,页面只暂时2个,优化MAC信息展示 (5bcecd57a, mj)
- 3.7: #6825 虚拟机调整配置-费用估算价格没有正常查到 (3a834b776, mj)
I18n (134)
- en: fix json (bf8e0d8b4, Yousong Zhou)
- zh-CN rewording (c7c9d2d18, Yousong Zhou)
- views/zone/components/List.vue (545e3ddd2, Yousong Zhou)
- views/tag/mixins/columns.js (a69484e40, Yousong Zhou)
- views/strategydefinition/create/index.vue (279693d0c, Yousong Zhou)
- views/strategydefinition/create/components/FormItem.js (2b64456e2, Yousong Zhou)
- views/strategydefinition/config/index.js (5d5f9ea95, Yousong Zhou)
- views/strategyallocation/mixins/columns.js (53a044e4f, Yousong Zhou)
- views/scheduledtask/mixins/singleActions.js (78b86b79d, Yousong Zhou)
- views/scheduledtask/index.vue (c8c2d326b, Yousong Zhou)
- views/scheduledtask/dialogs/ScheduledtaskDisabled.vue (180f8c8eb, Yousong Zhou)
- views/scheduledtask/create/index.vue (c50a42c49, Yousong Zhou)
- views/scheduledtask/components/List.vue (88921a317, Yousong Zhou)
- views/schedtag/mixins/singleActions.js (0012cc53a, Yousong Zhou)
- views/schedtag/components/List.vue (b99bfed83, Yousong Zhou)
- views/samluser/dialogs/Create.vue (e22ad385c, Yousong Zhou)
- views/proxysetting/mixins/singleActions.js (db4b18a4d, Yousong Zhou)
- views/proxysetting/dialogs/Create.vue (360e975ba, Yousong Zhou)
- views/proxysetting/components/List.vue (ca61a9219, Yousong Zhou)
- views/proxysetting/components/CommonFormItems.vue (6232d46ff, Yousong Zhou)
- views/policydefinition/index.vue (d351d0518, Yousong Zhou)
- views/externalproject/components/List.vue (bf64ebd7e, Yousong Zhou)
- views/dynamicschedtag/sidepage/Detail.vue (539f9b91a, Yousong Zhou)
- views/dynamicschedtag/mixins/singleActions.js (be5a29dd8, Yousong Zhou)
- views/clouduser/dialogs/Create.vue (8bb14f0a4, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudproviderregion/mixins/columns.js (78037414f, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudproviderregion/dialogs/SetAutoSync.vue (61dde6154, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudprovider/mixins/singleActions.js (a25605538, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudprovider/mixins/columns.js (7f866969f, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudprovider/dialogs/Create.vue (e2a8d80ba, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudprovider/components/List.vue (bd9a5da37, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudgroup/sidepage/Detail.vue (cfc9c95eb, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudgroup/index.vue (58ed94feb, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudgroup/dialogs/AddUser.vue (395e05374, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudevent/components/List.vue (d47be244e, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/sidepage/index.vue (63dabd696, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/sidepage/Detail.vue (5e5171458, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/mixins/singleActions.js (b32ea144d, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/mixins/columns.js (c85c6a94a, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/dialogs/SetShare.vue (6e162fc11, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/dialogs/SetDiscount.vue (9996e71bd, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/create/form/components/OpenstackZstack.vue (790ad19e8, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/create/form/components/IpSubnets.vue (78f5db6a9, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/create/form/components/ContentInfo.vue (dcb3a60bb, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/create/form/components/AliyunUcloud.vue (3f88a9089, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/create/form/VmNetwork.vue (38c612f4f, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/create/form/SelectCloudaccount.vue (515d9dc2a, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/create/form/BillForm.vue (f9fb775c9, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/create/components/PrepareNetsForm.vue (e9f89180e, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/create/components/PrepareNets.vue (d3aa5938f, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/constants.js (6b7de8023, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/components/UploadJsonFile.vue (89d456052, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/components/ProxySetting.vue (a855621b6, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/components/List.vue (a1d533cf9, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/components/DomainProject.vue (fa379be25, Yousong Zhou)
- views/cloudaccount/components/AutoSync.vue (aa633ed18, Yousong Zhou)
- sections/UsageSidepage/constants.js (6cf38b5ea, Yousong Zhou)
- router/index.js (d2c2d00ba, Yousong Zhou)
- constants/sched.js (cb48167c8, Yousong Zhou)
- zh-CN also (705a4870c, Yousong Zhou)
- views/wire/dialogs/Update.vue (27bb84673, Yousong Zhou)
- views/wire/components/List.vue (ada53c61b, Yousong Zhou)
- views/vpc/sidepage/Detail.vue (339d24808, Yousong Zhou)
- views/vpc/create/index.vue (642fb90cb, Yousong Zhou)
- views/network/sidepage/IPList.vue (0f8a174cf, Yousong Zhou)
- views/network/sidepage/FlexIp.vue (a04f5ef9e, Yousong Zhou)
- views/network/dialogs/ReversedIP.vue (ab53554bb, Yousong Zhou)
- views/network/dialogs/NetworkSplitDialog.vue (3191e916f, Yousong Zhou)
- views/network/components/List.vue (0305b162b, Yousong Zhou)
- views/network/EditAttributes.vue (fc19c2ea8, Yousong Zhou)
- views/network/Create.vue (d56120488, Yousong Zhou)
- views/agent/dialogs/Deploy.vue (6afc3efc8, Yousong Zhou)
- views/nats/sidepage/Dnat.vue (17008086f, Yousong Zhou)
- views/loadbalancerlistenerrule/sidepage/Detail.vue (891f33001, Yousong Zhou)
- views/loadbalancerlistener/sidepage/Detail.vue (3f1dc8668, Yousong Zhou)
- views/loadbalancerlistener/components/RedirectFormItems.vue (d8b5b4f75, Yousong Zhou)
- views/loadbalancerbackend/dialogs/Create.vue (a464e588b, Yousong Zhou)
- views/lbcerts/sidepage/Cache.vue (c835c8522, Yousong Zhou)
- views/lbacls/sidepage/Cache.vue (7523da3bb, Yousong Zhou)
- views/lb/dialogs/Create.vue (de2c45fea, Yousong Zhou)
- views/lb/components/List.vue (a8069e2a2, Yousong Zhou)
- views/flex-network/sidepage/Detail.vue (88d1a8860, Yousong Zhou)
- views/flex-network/components/List.vue (4539f3009, Yousong Zhou)
- views/eip/sidepage/Detail.vue (649c6c0b3, Yousong Zhou)
- views/eip/dialogs/BindServerDialog.vue (5e9d181c3, Yousong Zhou)
- views/eip/create/index.vue (a9c5bb82e, Yousong Zhou)
- views/eip/components/List.vue (3c8e2f9b6, Yousong Zhou)
- views/dns/sidepage/Detail.vue (6ddd493ad, Yousong Zhou)
- views/dns/dialogs/Create.vue (659fd17d7, Yousong Zhou)
- views/dns/components/List.vue (9b3ba1c72, Yousong Zhou)
- views/dns-zone/create/components/Step1.vue (ebda5ae1d, Yousong Zhou)
- views/agent/sidepage/Detail.vue (099ce836f, Yousong Zhou)
- views/agent/sidepage/Asbook.vue (0b42a8220, Yousong Zhou)
- views/agent/form/index.vue (4935dc47e, Yousong Zhou)
- views/agent/dialogs/Deploy.vue (fac248137, Yousong Zhou)
- views/agent/dialogs/Asbook.vue (1d8966b18, Yousong Zhou)
- views/wire/mixins/columns.js (619b73964, Yousong Zhou)
- views/vpc/mixins/singleActions.js (c36363ebe, Yousong Zhou)
- views/vpc/mixins/columns.js (f58970b76, Yousong Zhou)
- views/route-table/mixins/columns.js (bf9cf4cda, Yousong Zhou)
- views/reserved-ip/mixins/columns.js (f90f96bb1, Yousong Zhou)
- views/network/mixins/singleActions.js (8ec4019a7, Yousong Zhou)
- views/network/mixins/columns.js (8e280b75a, Yousong Zhou)
- views/nats/mixins/columns.js (0b5adb804, Yousong Zhou)
- views/loadbalancerlistenerrule/mixins/singleActions.js (94349661f, Yousong Zhou)
- views/loadbalancerlistener/sidepage/dashboard/utils.js (5497e74d5, Yousong Zhou)
- views/loadbalancerlistener/sidepage/dashboard/constants.js (61f6313be, Yousong Zhou)
- views/loadbalancerlistener/mixins/singleActions.js (fccd8071d, Yousong Zhou)
- views/loadbalancerlistener/mixins/columns.js (fbc093848, Yousong Zhou)
- views/loadbalancerlistener/create/form/utils.js (6f4a7099f, Yousong Zhou)
- views/loadbalancercluster/mixins/singleActions.js (ae187ff5b, Yousong Zhou)
- views/loadbalancerbackendgroup/mixins/singleActions.js (ae3e3dcf4, Yousong Zhou)
- views/loadbalancerbackend/mixins/singleActions.js (48724bc9f, Yousong Zhou)
- views/lbcerts/mixins/columns.js (86e8725d4, Yousong Zhou)
- views/lbacls/mixins/columns.js (ef146808f, Yousong Zhou)
- views/lb/utils.js (43ecf0731, Yousong Zhou)
- views/lb/mixins/singleActions.js (66a30ddf6, Yousong Zhou)
- views/lb/create/form/mixin.js (567519de8, Yousong Zhou)
- views/lb/constants/index.js (d7b218e2f, Yousong Zhou)
- views/global-vpc/mixins/columns.js (3f1be141d, Yousong Zhou)
- views/flex-network/mixins/columns.js (81e889bd0, Yousong Zhou)
- views/eip/utils/columns.js (cff48f403, Yousong Zhou)
- views/eip/mixins/singleActions.js (4e420af02, Yousong Zhou)
- views/dns/mixins/columns.js (24b920ef0, Yousong Zhou)
- views/dns-zonecache/mixins/columns.js (66aa4fd62, Yousong Zhou)
- views/dns-zone/utils/columns.js (98a708cf2, Yousong Zhou)
- views/dns-zone/mixins/singleActions.js (4b94b4631, Yousong Zhou)
- views/dns-zone/constants/index.js (2d2c79588, Yousong Zhou)
- views/dns-recordset/utils/columns.js (584d54ff0, Yousong Zhou)
- views/agent/mixins/singleActions.js (37184c9cc, Yousong Zhou)
- views/agent/mixins/columns.js (1868e338c, Yousong Zhou)
- constants/lb.js (acf90f81b, Yousong Zhou)
- constants/index.js (a981f4e65, Yousong Zhou)
- s/Overview/Big Screen/ (beded6f39, Yousong Zhou)
NavBar (1)
- make monitoring dashboard visible in domain mode (1c217134b, Yousong Zhou)
Navbar (1)
- fix importing isDomainMode getters (86d4400e9, Yousong Zhou)
Optimized (2)
Others (338)
- network route hidden fix (253306506, TangBin)
- monitor line chart add data smooth (6b70d80b5, TangBin)
- scopedpolicybindings update (a95d8701d, TangBin)
- scopedpolicybindings update (97235b311, TangBin)
- monitor line chart add scale (4865cc116, TangBin)
- monitor line chart add scale (cd6ad59d5, TangBin)
- monitor dashboard chart scope fix (001c49d52, TangBin)
- rejust monitor ssh agent menus order (467b8839e, TangBin)
- add agent trans (779a30dc5, TangBin)
- line chart title fix (eb0b3e0f8, TangBin)
- sys disk default size fix (646d326ef, TangBin)
- image select image arch fix (213b81430, TangBin)
- image select image arch fix (1e8a2dbb1, TangBin)
- image select image arch ifx (654f86bd1, TangBin)
- add tooltips for ssh proxy endpoint create form (49ce4fb99, TangBin)
- add price info scope (58b2bdb16, bistuzx)
- fix disk price (ec6986e8b, bistuzx)
- domain project select fix (e524abdae, tangbin)
- hidden common alert tips while scope is projct (98cedc64d, TangBin)
- public cloud image filter add os_arch (e34a741f5, TangBin)
- instance price comparator fix (d51686196, TangBin)
- 修改成本优化英文 (255be457c, GuoLiBin6)
- 修改图标 (6a0760d7b, GuoLiBin6)
- global search hidden menus fix (e87628302, TangBin)
- setup altert for monitor charts fix (827460486, TangBin)
- install agent form i18n fix (402a2809b, TangBin)
- server-price-comparator capability fix (549bc21a8, TangBin)
- update help link (064ae3a7c, TangBin)
- windows not support install agent (d2e85d87e, TangBin)
- change security optimization to security inspection (ca70d6f7d, bistuzx)
- username tips fix (0b413b980, TangBin)
- sku add column cpu arch (e81ba067c, TangBin)
- setup ssh username tips (4f2010ac2, TangBin)
- dashboard database fix (53e94d9ef, TangBin)
- exporer dashboard create name repeated fix (b590c1281, TangBin)
- disk create domain fix (c19abfa18, TangBin)
- monitor dashboard domain select style fix (5c8235f2f, TangBin)
- add bucket not found warning to cloudaccount (6808d2288, bistuzx)
- ssh setup proxy validator fix (9c0697709, TangBin)
- ssh setup proxy validator fix (ebb09e243, TangBin)
- domain fix (eb1ce5ca8, TangBin)
- create monitor dashboard chart fix (9e2860ff4, TangBin)
- ssh proxy bugfix (e5efa4d77, TangBin)
- add proxy endpoint list tips (260cbe61b, TangBin)
- add dock (a71fe270e, TangBin)
- cloudproxy match scope vpc/network fetch (32a00ba7b, TangBin)
- remove ssh proxy domain filter (828e272e0, TangBin)
- create ssh proxy title fix (20c2b2b5d, TangBin)
- add ssh proxy batch delete (d2d7a858e, TangBin)
- remove dashboard chart name repeat check (bedab239a, TangBin)
- hidden monitor dashboard fix (8d4105ba0, TangBin)
- support ssh proxy (d76da1b9e, tangbin)
- fix (64b1a2c0f, mj)
- fix (80d72e0d1, mj)
- fix (0feed2200, mj)
- fix (e2c095229, mj)
- condition add units (4bc8ec0a0, tangbin)
- update svg assets (1b9e7ccba, tangbin)
- 修改按钮样式 (a59f05f45, songdengju)
- 文案调整 (1b9057852, songdengju)
- 文案调整 (0a43bf90b, songdengju)
- add monitor dashboard pannel name check (b235adbf4, tangbin)
- 价格对比字段修改 (52a660f43, songdengju)
- tag bugfix (d7a381fc6, tangbin)
- monitor dashboard bugfix (b04135aad, tangbin)
- block storage change tab fix (aae668417, tangbin)
- common alert query add param scope (3d6c26e46, tangbin)
- 文案修改 (ad2f1d53c, songdengju)
- add min width of line chart axis (6d7a48c68, tangbin)
- vmware平台磁盘仅在关机状态支持扩容 (b9c0762b9, songdengju)
- add line chart language (82250db82, tangbin)
- dashboard create bugfix (81e34fdbd, tangbin)
- dashboard add goback (c5261fe38, tangbin)
- update monitor dashboard select (99f162a47, tangbin)
- add chart save (97e3d2069, tangbin)
- monitor overview fix (800692316, tangbin)
- monitor dashboard chart add name field (b14f8951a, tangbin)
- conflict fix (fe69c7238, tangbin)
- style fix (279113593, tangbin)
- 禁用vmware挂载/卸载ISO按钮 (26967954d, songdengju)
- moniotr overview alerts undefined fix (4e740cf55, tangbin)
- ws logout minor logs (6f40dc580, Zhang Dongliang)
- ws logout minor logs (2bef8058d, Zhang Dongliang)
- database undefined bugfix (75d40f08f, tangbin)
- ws logout minor logs (96884feb8, Zhang Dongliang)
- ws logout minor logs (45c8351b8, Zhang Dongliang)
- ws logout minor logs (2aff9cf36, Zhang Dongliang)
- monitor overview alerts add stack (0a3490cc5, tangbin)
- ws logout minor logs (45a14cb76, Zhang Dongliang)
- ws logout minor logs (cf6b71961, Zhang Dongliang)
- ws logout minor logs (76fae7011, Zhang Dongliang)
- ws logout minor logs (2183b83e8, Zhang Dongliang)
- ws logout minor logs (9a6786a1e, Zhang Dongliang)
- ws logout minor (577238657, Zhang Dongliang)
- ws logout minor (5fc25cedf, Zhang Dongliang)
- update logout socket (7f459a7b8, mj)
- 文案调整 (a468a0d17, songdengju)
- update logout socket (f7a25853a, mj)
- update logout socket (0d6630fa5, mj)
- 修改提示文案 (ae7d8031b, songdengju)
- 修改提示文案 (891a0104f, songdengju)
- fix(7254)添加调度策略改为添加调度标签 (bfafb3c40, dongliping)
- monitor overview fix (674db60bd, tangbin)
- fix(7254):创建虚拟机指定高级配置调度策略,指定调度标签-添加网卡改成添加调度策略 (15c725a98, dongliping)
- 文案调整 (971fd92d5, songdengju)
- 文案调整 (011fb254e, songdengju)
- add monitor dashboard (f71bf9d46, tangbin)
- restore overview page (ca943a898, tangbin)
- monitor add dashboard view (11ccf7f9e, tangbin)
- 虚拟机增加禁用提示信息 (f72574ef3, songdengju)
- fix(NAT)优化NAT网关弹框间距文案 (935e9b6ca, dongliping)
- monitor overview fix (b6fe4c679, tangbin)
- monitor overview fix (49726610e, tangbin)
- fix(7225)nat网关详情中应该有更多的操作选项 (a4e53391e, dongliping)
- fix(#7204): 创建主机快照配额不足,点击跳转到调整配额页面,新建快照的对话框应该关闭 (02b386034, mj)
- silent_period fix (b3950bc16, tangbin)
- monitor overview fix (33e8faa67, tangbin)
- qcloud eip create fix (ea239df79, tangbin)
- qcloud eip create fix (52ed8564e, tangbin)
- alertrecords alert_duration fix (b92683b34, tangbin)
- vminstance list os_type fix (1077e4772, tangbin)
- dns resolve path fix (2ba07f4c2, tangbin)
- add locales (6b184d421, tangbin)
- monitor overview optimazation (45c7b629e, tangbin)
- fix format (b1984820f, dongliping)
- fix(7213)技术支持工单“我发起的”工单列表数据不应该有选择框 (2e43cf99f, dongliping)
- Fix(#7126 ): 创建主机模板:网络计费方式没有默认值 (981fa6457, mj)
- feat(3.7)快照和主机快照列表过滤项支持通过虚拟机过滤 (dfba75697, dongliping)
- fix(3.7)lb列表过滤项添加状态 (d34fe533e, dongliping)
- fix(3.7)审批工单去掉问题级别 (33000fb8f, dongliping)
- fix(itsm)工单结束状态判断条件及提示 (f0e3da436, dongliping)
- fix(vm)批量操作-同步状态放在第一个 (8a7eaa949, dongliping)
- fix(lb)lb支持同步状态操作 (f8029f578, dongliping)
- fix(lb)Onecloud平台LB不支持同步状态操作 (e11633003, dongliping)
- fix(lb)lb支持同步状态,以及启用禁用操作放在更多 (ccd0712b8, dongliping)
- feat(#2995): 技术支持工单优化 (ffa53759c, mj)
- feat(vm)将同步状态操作放在开机上面 (1114c73cd, dongliping)
- feat(#2904): 技术支持工单样式优化 (1df4f94fd, mj)
- 文案调整 (e330dd67d, songdengju)
- fix(#7168): 所有的技术支持工单tab页面,列表不应有“审批人”列且把自定义列中去掉“审批人” (e0963a07d, mj)
- 详情页隐藏外部标签 (772d4f32b, songdengju)
- 详情页隐藏外部标签 (540aaff75, songdengju)
- 详情页隐藏外部标签 (009dca72f, songdengju)
- 详情页隐藏外部标签 (9e790d62d, songdengju)
- 隐藏详情页外部标签 (1fd16f946, songdengju)
- 隐藏详情页外部标签 (9fe1009ea, songdengju)
- 隐藏详情页外部标签 (53dffa359, songdengju)
- 隐藏详情页外部标签信息 (8f35bd290, songdengju)
- 详情页隐藏外部标签 (92defec0e, songdengju)
- 标签过滤调整 (59fcd5545, songdengju)
- 调整修改标签弹窗 (90e41d0f6, songdengju)
- fix(nat)详情添加云账号,云订阅的信息 (3ac1879f9, dongliping)
- fix word (3dded5fde, dongliping)
- fix(nat)新建SNAT条目选择新建弹性公网IP时新打开的标签应该跳转到eip的列表 (af7eae408, dongliping)
- Fix(#7167): 列表组件没有勾选框,无法支持批量操作 (a21f01bfb, mj)
- fix(#7167): 列表组件没有勾选框,无法支持批量操作 (681c72049, mj)
- fix(#7154): 技术支持工单“我发起的”tab页面状态搜索框不应该显示两条“已关闭” (6464e66bd, mj)
- fix(#7151): 系统管理后台在“我发起的”tab页面不应该有“申请技术支持”按钮 (b542fc585, mj)
- fix(#7141): 点击云管平台页面右上角“申请技术支持工单”按钮,没有反应也没有报错 (6ceb7b821, mj)
- 安全组缓存列表支持平台、区域、云账号搜索 (50efe708f, songdengju)
- feat(3.7)项目视图添加不支持迁移操作的提示 (740b3cb2c, dongliping)
- feat(3.7)更换IP过滤PXE和IPMI类型的IP子网 (b78e60b6a, dongliping)
- fix 调整样式 (820a7b86c, dongliping)
- non project user fetch alterts 403 error fix (5dbb41942, tangbin)
- reids& rds create fix (99b24005c, tangbin)
- add nat op (0de0b5cde, Qu Xuan)
- 文案调整 (edba28c63, songdengju)
- 文案调整 (442f797e9, songdengju)
- 文案调整 (e5a030646, songdengju)
- 文案调整 (b0ae29c36, songdengju)
- fix(3.7)多维度分析文案 (64bcd1055, weichunling)
- remove Aws from redis create (d898f6698, tangbin)
- redis change spec mem choices fix (78ecdaffa, tangbin)
- qcloud rds basic edition bind secgroup fix (070abffcf, tangbin)
- 文案增加 (32025cf83, songdengju)
- alert resource display fix (e9b2da41f, tangbin)
- 文案调整 (377ccefef, songdengju)
- wire merge add more descriptions (7b593b1b8, tangbin)
- image tooltips fix (b147c665a, tangbin)
- cloudprovider region status checking fix (427f24b5a, tangbin)
- image market pagination display bugfix (502ec00ac, tangbin)
- 状态增加翻译 (a605d67ef, songdengju)
- 文案整理 (1f5325f75, songdengju)
- 文案整理 (2c8292324, songdengju)
- 文案整理 (e3305891e, songdengju)
- 文案整理 (d5c72ba7e, songdengju)
- 文案整理 (d090ee976, songdengju)
- add response log (1e2b635c9, mj)
- change common alert form reduce min width to 70px (69a173d7e, tangbin)
- common alert monitor line table show fix (e92abed88, tangbin)
- 修改中文逗号为英文 (4c5ed1152, songdengju)
- wire merge auto refresh after success (2c66ffa4c, tangbin)
- common alert list display fix (9bf84a194, tangbin)
- commonalert update fix (f756ff023, tangbin)
- add getTimeRangeFilter (c5ee12b3a, tangbin)
- add getTimeRangeFilter (dc4dae751, tangbin)
- add getTimeRangeFilter (5138f2932, tangbin)
- host sidepage network list add more columns (1635d88f4, tangbin)
- 调整搜索字段顺序 (7516a5cd1, songdengju)
- notice fix (e87bef28a, tangbin)
- wire merge sources parameter fix (ec5ac5f7b, tangbin)
- add locales (0c9733fdd, tangbin)
- add region filter (0550df347, tangbin)
- add region filter (6bc4ffe75, tangbin)
- notice show more button (65b33d641, tangbin)
- notice show more button (4746d9fca, tangbin)
- alertrecord display fix (a53fdacca, tangbin)
- add locales (14fdcfd9b, tangbin)
- add locales (f25fa38b9, tangbin)
- cloud event list fix (36b3bd376, tangbin)
- add locales (bc17a903c, tangbin)
- 替换为兼容 arm64 的 docker base (5b184d949, Zhang Dongliang)
- common alert form hadRobot fix (39e3d76de, tangbin)
- trans brand onecloud to yunioncloud (888253920, tangbin)
- 文案修复 (dc36439e1, songdengju)
- remove useless steps for create vmware account (02e06d271, tangbin)
- update common alert field dispaly fix (5a72cba6d, tangbin)
- chart show is update (c4c08677d, tangbin)
- guest metric line chart display bugfix (05b407130, tangbin)
- add style utils (43be411f1, mj)
- #7107 控制面板、监控大屏 本月支出可下降空间百分比样式问题 (e8fecea4d, mj)
- add metric description (0de393628, tangbin)
- add silent period (a69cac978, tangbin)
- fix:云账号详情资源统计“IP使用率”和“EIP使用率”文案写反了。 (0c809d069, dongliping)
- 数据库模块英文翻译修改与 大小写校对 (bd249189b, weichunling)
- add wire expected status (a51cbe888, tangbin)
- wire merge (dbb8dbae9, tangbin)
- wire merge (ba05ee2ed, tangbin)
- fix:英文模式下,参数显示不全问题需前端调整 (abbcf914c, dongliping)
- fix:英文模式下,参数显示不全问题需前端调整 (4bce8d6fe, dongliping)
- fix:英文模式下,参数显示不全问题需前端调整 (e9fa06983, dongliping)
- fix:英文模式下,参数显示不全问题需前端调整 (99d2207fb, dongliping)
- fix:英文模式下,参数显示不全问题需前端调整 (3d17d72b4, dongliping)
- fix(storage)存储使用情况的中文显示问题 (651a9d703, dongliping)
- fix(network):IP子网使用情况的中文显示 (0782f3150, dongliping)
- update desc form layout (d3824cf05, mj)
- fix(Redis)免密访问的英文文案 (e9d912d5a, dongliping)
- wire merge (b8df3063c, tangbin)
- fix ticket status words (5487487d2, dongliping)
- fix(3.7)费用模块英文文案修改 (0afba1d3b, weichunling)
- fix revoked->canceled (def7db31d, dongliping)
- fix add netword card word (49a31a4e0, dongliping)
- fix(common) tickets submitted and closed time (f364de259, dongliping)
- add buckets (480e883df, mj)
- 文案统一 (dcb9522bd, songdengju)
- common alert create bugfix (3a0b20b65, tangbin)
- common alert form display (f8c55b1a5, tangbin)
- 增加翻译 (2b3f145a8, songdengju)
- 增加翻译 (7fb719911, songdengju)
- 英文翻译校对 (b340c615f, Zhang Dongliang)
- 英文翻译校对 (d96884d0f, Zhang Dongliang)
- 报警历史文案修改 (a36f0f546, songdengju)
- 文案优化 (57575361d, songdengju)
- 修复显示不全问题 (4d0297519, songdengju)
- openstack & zstack create account bugfix (3b2e75854, tangbin)
- add area_code search (457ef6752, tangbin)
- get-types url change& mobile fix (d6ad8f1b3, tangbin)
- Alertresource bugfix (ad65c4c83, tangbin)
- fix BareMetal->Baremetal (3d699c7ae, dongliping)
- fix BareMetal->Baremetal (7fe6e85c5, dongliping)
- fix BareMetal->Baremetal (b5adc73b0, dongliping)
- fix(3.7)英文文案修改 (12a9a9f4f, weichunling)
- search box tag display fix (ac0ca4293, tangbin)
- fix(3.7)多云管理模块英文显 示不全 (167a3889a, weichunling)
- alert records add params alert_duration & reduece (20851b13d, tangbin)
- nav bar add resource tips (77df50961, tangbin)
- fix area_code word (2f84ec572, 董丽萍)
- international_mobile format fix (3ad5a9e64, tangbin)
- add contact types column (72aaa845f, tangbin)
- add res_type filter (929d159e8, tangbin)
- fix (f10a07fed, mj)
- temp (11d6a568c, tangbin)
- add chalk lib (1bd0d9700, mj)
- add automatic deployment tool (e3e087b4e, mj)
- add mock support (a01e1c548, mj)
- add mock support (757636826, mj)
- common alert list add column res_type (1f61958b5, tangbin)
- commonalerts comparator param fix (5e62f1e39, tangbin)
- monitor overview use last points as chart data (4ff28c8a4, tangbin)
- alert channel fix (37a0f1d32, tangbin)
- base select add props option-label-prop (84164685b, tangbin)
- alert channel bugfix (c8a5e4b3a, tangbin)
- commonalerts comparator param fix (b6a5ae4e2, tangbin)
- keypair modify name fix (97af6a0ad, tangbin)
- disk trans fix (7789bbce6, tangbin)
- fix(3.7)资源类型字段英 文文案优化 (4a75e2fbb, weichunling)
- fix(3.7)预算管理相关文案修改 (1aa58bc65, weichunling)
- add server update tag translation (2de01312f, hoganlxj)
- disk expansion tooptips fix (412d29bc2, tangbin)
- translation fix (df3a98cca, tangbin)
- vm instance change vm setting fix (82364a5af, tangbin)
- 修改英文统一:Modify (2bf3fe52d, songdengju)
- 更多文案统一 (29fd2c5b1, songdengju)
- 文案统一 (0e93ea95e, songdengju)
- page footer fix (ad088cf61, tangbin)
- fix(3.7)优化建议字段翻译 (236a342c9, weichunling)
- fix modifypolicies中间加空格 (138113992, 董丽萍)
- region filter add scope params (038bfaa84, tangbin)
- monitor overview fix (4c77b4bd4, tangbin)
- fix(3.7)优化建议两条新增规则的规则类型的中英文映射 (f5a8cec2b, weichunling)
- 文案统一 (479748ed2, songdengju)
- 文案统一 (5b369a9a0, songdengju)
- 文案统一 (daa9aadbd, songdengju)
- add get region filter (d2b4b5427, tangbin)
- add get region filter (e1649cbe8, tangbin)
- add get region filter (8e3127219, tangbin)
- fix(3.7)修改工单的英文文案 (18bedb34a, weichunling)
- fix(3.7)修改工单的英文文案 (64061e34c, weichunling)
- add class monitor-overview-breadcrumb (3c5ca7a88, tangbin)
- add trans up size & down size (809a5f5a3, tangbin)
- add iam security (ae2f4a58b, tangbin)
- change cloudaccount side page tabs order (ee33aed1b, tangbin)
- 创建主机系统盘最小值fix (5b0571e08, tangbin)
- 子网创建增加zone status过滤 (6672d1994, tangbin)
- base chart support props chartevents (1547c01da, tangbin)
- monitor overview support chart drill (96d38e316, tangbin)
- fix 报警定义改为报警策略 (063838488, 董丽萍)
- fix 报警定义改为报警策略 (e595f9dbd, 董丽萍)
- monitor overview unit fix (320896a3a, tangbin)
- monitor measurements query params bugifx (019c2d997, tangbin)
- fix Alters->Alerts (f2e00c20d, 董丽萍)
- aliyun cloud account create support smal (54ea1f285, tangbin)
- feat(3.7)国际化手机号校验规则修改为6-14位的数字 (5c972e6d5, 董丽萍)
- monitor_metric_6 fix (e5b2c32d7, tangbin)
- alert policy add condition nodata (092c8f8d0, tangbin)
- alert of last 7days query fix (51aa55a8a, tangbin)
- style fix (4f069ab22, tangbin)
- i18n fix (d4bfca52c, tangbin)
- i18n fix (c6073a559, tangbin)
- style fix (a1ded2da0, tangbin)
- add monitor icon (8306f30bf, tangbin)
- style fix (f09f96b56, tangbin)
- add monitor menu icon (13ed30b73, tangbin)
- monitor menu layout (aaa099595, tangbin)
- monitor menu layout (12252d61b, tangbin)
- style fix (d2c3705f1, tangbin)
- monitor overview page (40bd6d8d8, tangbin)
- fix word (65b9b703d, 董丽萍)
Vminstance (6)
- ssh: include all ips in default vpc (55a512a85, Yousong Zhou)
- ssh: fix length check on fwds (238cab985, Yousong Zhou)
- ssh: allow onecloud vpc ip (49fd4e640, Yousong Zhou)
- ssh: use server forward for onecloud vpc (a780690cc, Yousong Zhou)
- ssh: use ipInfoList (08809dda6, Yousong Zhou)
- ssh: adjust meta func identifier scope (6721ab24c, Yousong Zhou)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/kubecomps
14 commits to kubecomps - v3.7.0 since this release.
Bug Fixes (9)
- build: embed heml pkgs remove it (b26121bb, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: helm release resource object's name and id missed (b1a78d37, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: helm release resource list (bb243013, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: cluster ca and key field nullable deleted (102aef8c, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: helm repo remove (4021c667, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: helm add repo already exists error (a249b235, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: import cluster input data unmarshal error (ad07bb29, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: make system cluster resource getable (53262afd, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: sync cluster not fatal (a662e92d, Zexi Li)
Features (5)
- build: support arm64 build (4adf7ae8, Zexi Li)
- build: go generate use vendor (6b1507bd, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: change configuration of minio (4dfe3b1a, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: add cluster precheck api (eed03722, Zexi Li)
- repo: repo url allow updated (4de7ab5b, Zexi Li)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/notify-plugins
3 commits to notify-plugins - v3.7.0 since this release.
Bug Fixes (1)
Features (2)
- be compatible with notify's change to support international mobile (0e0d80a, rainzm)
- robot: support mutli WebhookPrefix (34f7ebf, rainzm)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/ocadm
13 commits to ocadm - v3.7.0 since this release.
Bug Fixes (7)
- set operator imagePullPolicy IfNotPresent (80df3f28, Zexi Li)
- build,make: 修改新分支的编译变量 release‘’ (4b74ce5d, Zhang Dongliang)
- cluster: set OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN of cluster auth info (a962c69d, Zexi Li)
- cluster: update vendor make build pass (3e1d3b8e, Zexi Li)
- keepalived: 解决 高可用架构部署的默认 网卡传递参数问题 (c18bbee8, Zhang Dongliang)
- preflight: more accurate of mysql grant error (f83dc258, Zexi Li)
- update: cluster update operator parse image digest (dff44e89, Zexi Li)
Chore (2)
- vendor: update vendor (bca87f7e, Zexi Li)
- vendor: update to resolve onecloud-operator tag deleted (afae0900, Zexi Li)
Features (3)
- build: 增加arm 下编译 ocadm deb 的步骤(make deb); 统一跨平台metrics-server 的 tag 名称;升级 k8s-sidecar 到 0.1.275 (66e7726a, Zhang Dongliang)
- keepalived,ha: 新增 keepalived_interface 变量支持,以便在安装高可用多网卡情况下支持非默认网卡绑定 vip (146d04af, Zhang Dongliang)
- longhorn: support migrate to source pvc from longhorn pvc (46d1f113, wanyaoqi)
Others (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/sdnagent
39 commits to sdnagent - v3.7.0 since this release.
Agent (5)
- server: register ForwardService (a993132c, Yousong Zhou)
- server: enable ovnMdMan (fd5c3c8a, Yousong Zhou)
- server: add metadata server (d485c376, Yousong Zhou)
- server: watch: add FindGuestDescByNetIdIP (d486ab87, Yousong Zhou)
- server: use utils.RunOvsctl (bab38511, Yousong Zhou)
Build (4)
- note on deploying ovs, ovn components (7800cf97, Yousong Zhou)
- reword README.md for deploying eipgw (7434581b, Yousong Zhou)
- docker: use openvswitch:2.10.5-1 (56b9693c, Yousong Zhou)
- eipgw: track to ensure stop state as well (9b317cc6, Yousong Zhou)
Features (1)
Flowsource (2)
- allow conntrack invalid packets (e5583214, Yousong Zhou)
- make aware of sub ips (676cbc7b, Yousong Zhou)
Others (8)
- ovn-md: ovnMdServer: local origNs (8a90039b, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn-md: ovnMdServer: fix logging typo on Stop (5d90d3f6, Yousong Zhou)
- .circleci: go test with "-mod vendor" (b860eec2, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn-md: add 24 hours timeout for forward listener (ce30249c, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn-md: ovnMdServer: serve grpc forward open, close, list (dfdc470d, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn-md: add ovnMdForward (570052bc, Yousong Zhou)
- ovn-md: use newOvnMdServer (e67a1f11, Yousong Zhou)
- .circleci: bump go to 1.14 (24b39986, Yousong Zhou)
Ovn (1)
- mapped: fix possible traffic loop across different vpcs (bc53d0be, Yousong Zhou)
Server (1)
- fix closing listener too early (1f46e95d, Yousong Zhou)
Tc (6)
- QdiscTree: add Root() method (36d70d36, Yousong Zhou)
- NewQdiscTree: special case mq (6a05b05e, Yousong Zhou)
- NewQdiscTree: fix children key (3280a784, Yousong Zhou)
- NewQdiscTree: use qbase for BaseQdisc() return (9b101832, Yousong Zhou)
- NewQdiscTree: rename vars (5d5507fc, Yousong Zhou)
- NewQdiscTree: use current tree instead of the root (be129404, Yousong Zhou)
Tcman (1)
- skip devices with mq qdisc (c8c1d258, Yousong Zhou)
Treewide (1)
- use sdn socket path from config (027db60e, Yousong Zhou)
Utils (5)
- guest: ignore "secgroup" or "secgroups" (0cd17fe2, Yousong Zhou)
- add RunOvsctl (305d3bf1, Yousong Zhou)
- guest: add GetJSONObjectDesc (3c1b6bb9, Yousong Zhou)
- guest: add FindNicByNetIdIP (9840fe34, Yousong Zhou)
- guest: make aware of sub ips (89fdb324, Yousong Zhou)
Vendor (4)
- bump to current tip of release/3.7 (07e6d8a7, Yousong Zhou)
- onecloud: use v0.0.0-20201219023906-3eb25e6dd1cd (66a4da98, Yousong Zhou)
- bump to onecloud master branch (beb7661b9fc) (5109afea, Yousong Zhou)
- bump yunion.io/x/onecloud to current tip of release/3.3 (8a8e6be0, Yousong Zhou)
ent tip of release/3.3 (8a8e6be0, Yousong Zhou)
e/v3.6.22...v3.7.0 t/compare/v3.6.22...v3.7.0 t/compare/v3.6.22...v3.7.0 t/compare/v3.6.22...v3.7.0 t/compare/v3.6.22...v3.7.0 t/compare/v3.6.22...v3.7.0 t/compare/v3.6.22...v3.7.0