发布时间 2023-08-01 07:55:16
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudmux
16 commits to cloudmux - v3.10.4 since this release.
Bug Fixes (16)
- support aliyun cloud essd pl0 (7051a058, ioito)
- pve create (b93f3a76, ioito)
- show currency for balance (2ea0f764, ioito)
- update esxi credential with host (06b2c137, Qiu Jian)
- aliyun: eip bgp pro (8ac04c6a, ioito)
- aliyun: eni sync (fe8b2ca4, ioito)
- aws: dns zone sync (35ce1c60, ioito)
- aws: secgroup rule (0be357ba, ioito)
- azure: map read (06d011df, ioito)
- esxi: local storage image (08150951, ioito)
- esxi: hostname (ffb6f33b, ioito)
- esxi: migrate without storage (346bda85, ioito)
- hcsocli: add defaultRegion for climc (b8047c4e, 马鸿飞)
- huawei: metric (39b74a7d, ioito)
- proxmox: error msg (51bcc383, ioito)
- qcloud: remove debug log (28b24a45, ioito)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods
68 commits to cloudpods - v3.10.4 since this release.
Bug Fixes (59)
- increase handler time if force_no_paging is on (#17460) (2f4e1a15db, Jian Qiu)
- more event show subcmd (fdea837584, Qiu Jian)
- guestimage log panic (d1f08ab9f2, Qiu Jian)
- disable application profiling by default (66894efd40, Qiu Jian)
- lbcluster reference count (49d9198943, Qiu Jian)
- allow set executor connection timeout (#17449) (a4fd22d7c4, Jian Qiu)
- update vmware credential with host (#17590) (5c0584cb51, Jian Qiu)
- remove class lock in task (0ca8dfaa16, Qiu Jian)
- climc: add port for ssh (#17514) (14a2624b86, 屈轩)
- common: add resource translate (84f447af92, 马鸿飞)
- esxi-agent: reset password log (d3904f5fbf, ioito)
- host: find python path on guestman init (f1c1729c75, wanyaoqi)
- host: storages bind mount should before host register (da754fdc8d, wanyaoqi)
- host: try reloading telegraf by restarting docker (bdbe0eb0b1, Zexi Li)
- host: lvm disk create from template (#17463) (781c283059, wanyaoqi)
- host: telegraf ignore hugetlbfs (a03d36c42e, wanyaoqi)
- host-deployer: detect image arch incorrect (f5349822c4, wanyaoqi)
- keystone: enable cloud shell (c4acbc8a14, ioito)
- monitor: return error if metric is nil (#17574) (58f72985bc, Zexi Li)
- notify: alert send (cda5f10680, 马鸿飞)
- notify: drop event notification default receiver (889d71587b, 马鸿飞)
- notify: remove topic_tbl.advance_days (9d64d10e41, 马鸿飞)
- region: esxi add vmdk disk (c485cbf173, ioito)
- region: reset esxi osinfo (#17477) (adef6588ea, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update (475f0b0dfc, ioito)
- region: get guestdisks count filter deleted guests (d29379bba4, wanyaoqi)
- region: usage for nic (955410b60c, ioito)
- region: acl name (e4eb02a1c2, ioito)
- region: server sku update attribute (95dbce407e, ioito)
- region: set scheduler failed brand unknown (05ad38450d, ioito)
- region: esxi disk with vmdk format (2636b779f7, ioito)
- region: skip sync resource when account created (045676dd22, ioito)
- region: server eip bgp type (25eaed8011, ioito)
- region: server sku update (413e14f0a4, ioito)
- region: vendor update (a2f6833e7e, ioito)
- region: support filter by cloud_env for servertemplate (a86b9151b2, ioito)
- region: clean skip sync resources (771a837b0f, ioito)
- region: auto create project for provider BUG FIX (11bfd3b680, 马鸿飞)
- region: ecs sync options (d55c911e76, ioito)
- region: account update for skip sync resources (48019fa595, ioito)
- region: esxi vm migrate for search ivm (#17480) (7ffbc492eb, 屈轩)
- region: qga ping don't report error on host return error (6bae836b24, wanyaoqi)
- region: fix server list type and ip from metadata (f9e467d0ac, 马鸿飞)
- region: aliyun eip bgp pro (b4d0e34eb4, ioito)
- region: fix autoCreateProjectForProvider bug (d87af53ade, 马鸿飞)
- region: vendor update (4a05a6d846, ioito)
- region: default username (4514bf1ce9, ioito)
- region: support skip sync resource (f0c4f78867, ioito)
- region: balance currency (380816fa16, ioito)
- region: purge account (5fd73a35b4, ioito)
- region: support aliyun pl0 storage (3f35d1fbf6, ioito)
- region: optimized cloud-account-list (5ea148e70f, ioito)
- region: vendor update (91f8dc59fb, ioito)
- region,host: qga command timeout (#17466) (2d8a28d598, wanyaoqi)
- region,scheduler: ovs offload support vpc network (d92d4b9a5f, wanyaoqi)
- scheduler: auto allocation network selection is not working (a19231043c, Zexi Li)
- webconsole: show exit msg for webconsole (f29dc5c072, ioito)
- webconsole: msg write (207f2c7a29, ioito)
- webconsole: ssh command record (4f773b3c6c, ioito)
Features (7)
- climc: support download container image (5f4d8397f3, Zexi Li)
- climc: support download helm chart (0149c54306, Zexi Li)
- climc: upload helm chart to a repository (e64b1efdce, Zexi Li)
- climc: add container registry cmd for k8s service (#17260) (0f4950a990, Zexi Li)
- cloudmon: upload meter currency of the cloudaccount (70dcdbcf94, Zexi Li)
- notify: add more config for webhook (4f652488d2, 马鸿飞)
- region: allow auto create project for provider (58dee06d6f, 马鸿飞)
Others (2)
- 20230714 make mod (ec6ba33022, 马鸿飞)
- fix fillStorage get storage cause scheduler panic (de178b35ee, 吴典秋)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-operator
5 commits to cloudpods-operator - v3.10.4 since this release.
Bug Fixes (4)
- telegraf container should mount /opt/cloud on host (0328e38e, Qiu Jian)
- influxdb config revisit 20230706 (d7571d2b, Qiu Jian)
- operator: generate grafana random password (201de380, Zexi Li)
- operator: disable services not working (e1b3812b, Zexi Li)
Features (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/dashboard
69 commits to dashboard - v3.10.4 since this release.
Bug Fixes (31)
- Login prompt timer setting upper limit time (270b461b8, GuoLiBin6)
- remove console (4682129b6, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- openresource instance id empty (291cfe2fd, GuoLiBin6)
- 项目视图下选择操作系统报错 (130494770, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 修复扩展列导出最后一条数据可能丢失折叠行数据问题 (b6eec2125, GuoLiBin6)
- remove debugger log (273745aae, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 8852: 新建虚拟机切换私有云账号时因为页面缓存导致磁盘价格报错 (86465a3e4, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 9120: image select error (80c41511f, GuoLiBin6)
- 9145: 同步策略优化 (0f14b240d, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 9150: 虚拟机导出系统列需与列表查看展示一致 (24dd7d985, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 9150: 虚拟机导出系统列增加版本信息 (be7e0f544, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 9153: monitor dashboard export accuracy (27184301f, GuoLiBin6)
- 9162: 选择vmware平台镜像,磁盘支持容量变更 (7d0600134, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 9162: 阿里云磁盘类型增加及VMware磁盘容量范围变更 (f15d331d9, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 9162: 阿里云磁盘容量范围变更 (c2fe02e9f, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 9167: ldp hide alert text (4ce947beb, GuoLiBin6)
- 9171: 产品激活申请license隐藏线上申请路径 (96ab1d4eb, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 9180: 磁盘使用率图表优化 (5baeb5aca, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 9181: 新建容器集群,最下方的按钮无法选择 (c02543016, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 9191: workflow accuracy (532642003, GuoLiBin6)
- 9191: workflow apply accuracy (f88017102, GuoLiBin6)
- 9193: 云账号屏蔽资源失败 (5b0a107e9, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 9200: 新建vmware,镜像过滤请求发送俩次,且过滤条件不一样 (a7eed9ef4, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 9207: workflow filter (bb204a6ae, GuoLiBin6)
- 9215: vpc数量磁贴统计错误 (847d49eec, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 9217: update locales (0121aeb30, GuoLiBin6)
- 9221: rds和redis新建出现了包周期分摊类型 (dea3c9d2f, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 9225: all platform support delete billing data when delete cloud account (9186cdd7d, GuoLiBin6)
- 9228: 云订阅过滤项目失效 (a809dd52c, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 9237: change project support remote filter (fd18f72dd, GuoLiBin6)
- monitor: skip_check_series when dimentionId is tenant_id or domain_id (725b43dc8, Zexi Li)
Features (38)
- vmware and private cacheimages interface add project_domain params (eb380c052, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- add cloudshell switch (160cc3b17, GuoLiBin6)
- base-select component accuracy (0a6fe9909, GuoLiBin6)
- remove workflow (5a9edfeca, GuoLiBin6)
- 消息订阅增加消息名称翻译 (504e9117c, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- notify topic i18n (1498c2513, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4352: 项目和域选择控件应该记忆用户的选择 (7f905547b, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4358: pve 支持新建 (3405efddf, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4391: RDS、Redis、MongoDB列表支持隐藏列表项 (0ca62b97a, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4391: EIP列表支持隐藏列表项 (966f2f5ab, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4391: Bucket列表支持隐藏列表项 (6859b48bd, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4391: VPC列表支持隐藏列表项 (9aa792461, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4391: 主机列表支持隐藏列表项 (0ae7859c4, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4391: 负载均衡列表支持隐藏列表项 (532eb6178, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4391: 磁盘列表支持隐藏列表项 (d4ea1df6e, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4391: 硬盘快照列表支持隐藏列表项 (64c05403e, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4403: 仅开机状态的机器支持QGA状态探测 (1a3759c6c, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4403: 在线修改密码需先探测QGA状态 (0c9ab66ee, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4405: 监控查询及告警磁盘文案优化 (a7f258b25, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4409: 云账号同步支持屏蔽资源类型 (8285c39ca, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4415: 云上项目状态优化 (723e48790, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4428: 机器人增加zoom机器人 (60fa7897e, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4433: 热迁移取消”快速收敛“选项,默认开启快速收敛 (3ba77b6a8, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4434: 如果虚拟机所在宿主机为禁用且离线状态,则虚拟机迁移默认启用 rescue-mode 迁移 (1dea89d70, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4435: workflow list add changeResourceInfo and deleteResourceInfo (5432c31bf, GuoLiBin6)
- 4436: 新建阿里云EIP支持路线类型 (e46d0e623, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4436: 优化:新建阿里云EIP支持路线类型 (d991d5139, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4436: 调整区域列与项目列对齐 (b12fc8587, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4439: 容器集群导入支持指定域 (b8966482c, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4443: ssh show login error message (95aad5b0f, GuoLiBin6)
- 4451: Daemon虚拟机文案修改为自动启动,同时增加备注 (6e0cb7dc4, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4451: Daemon虚拟机详情页增加备注信息 (1f57f24e0, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4457: 更新vmware账号信息时允许设置host和port (3d1098f27, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4457: 更新vmware账号信息时允许设置host和port信息回填 (ee666d18f, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4457: update parse access_url host to hostname (7914fc731, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4459: 支持将多个镜像组合成一个主机镜像 (f88f6ba51, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4461: 镜像最小磁盘要求增加说明 (8377bdbe8, gaomingjiu@yunion.cn)
- 4469: remove workflow (c1ccf2f33, GuoLiBin6)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/kubecomps
10 commits to kubecomps - v3.10.4 since this release.
Bug Fixes (5)
- support --exit-after-db-init (d2b6b2e5, Qiu Jian)
- upload helm chart (3b2bb20d, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: saving image with RepoTags (e57af2d3, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: disable grafana anonymous login (0e2f83c9, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: validate release name (db558379, Zexi Li)
Features (4)
- add readonly configuration script (eb7e9ca3, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: download docker image (8edb5d3d, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: support download helm chart (e7bfe6a8, Zexi Li)
- kubeserver: common container registry (b12424b4, Zexi Li)
Others (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/ocboot
16 commits to ocboot - v3.10.4 since this release.
Bug Fixes (12)
- grub update support openeuler (3b223c7, wanyaoqi)
- debian: install libcapstone4 for qemu under debian 11 (7c3a7df, Zhang Dongliang)
- deploy: add debug msg to show init args (11ff11b, Zhang Dongliang)
- deploy: debian compatible gpu setup and hugetlb setup (1728aa2, wanyaoqi)
- mariadb,kylin: mariadb init issue (fd8b73a, Zhang Dongliang)
- networkmanager: 在重启networkmanager 前后,确保resolev.conf 不改变 (f6451a7, Zhang Dongliang)
- openeuler,db,ha: 增加openeuler 高可用数据库相关兼容 (70f1df7, Zhang Dongliang)
- os: 解决语法兼容问题bool (e51f961, Zhang Dongliang)
- os: 严格界定所支持的os(centos/kylin/debian/uos/euler)及其版本范围 (7b32a46, Zhang Dongliang)
- repo: 优化redhat家族os在线/离线安装时的repo判断问题 (4d5d90b, Zhang Dongliang)
- repo: 对在线、离线安装,启用不同的repo (c5f9e1f, Zhang Dongliang)
- typo: 变量名typo修复 (555d63d, Zhang Dongliang)
Others (4)
- centos mariadb issue (285519d, Zhang Dongliang)
- add support for uos 1050 u2a (8d4a46d, Zhang Dongliang)
- release v3.10.3 (47e3490, Zexi Li)
- fix os detection bugs (4e8f009, Zhang Dongliang)
), Zhang Dongliang)