发布时间 2023-12-08 13:19:43
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudmux
13 commits to cloudmux - v3.10.8 since this release.
Bug Fixes (12)
- image uefi (65d090cd, ioito)
- add bios options for create vm (a0f2ed97, ioito)
- aliyun: avoid panic when get redis cache mod (6416f5b8, ioito)
- apsara: avoid apsara read only error (029954f8, ioito)
- huawei: eip associate type (e3937670, ioito)
- huawei: nic (10776e24, ioito)
- pve: vm ip with ipv4 (ea171160, ioito)
- qcloud: mac addr (9dada1b5, ioito)
- qcloud: lb domain name (48b8db2c, ioito)
- qcloud: lb ip addr (9a6c11ff, ioito)
- region: k8s tag (66e0a110, ioito)
- zstack: shared block storage (c0a6acfb, ioito)
Features (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods
55 commits to cloudpods - v3.10.8 since this release.
Bug Fixes (46)
- host set nil metadata (#18689) (9d150a81b9, Jian Qiu)
- generalized metadata getter (#18809) (71755ff812, Jian Qiu)
- extend gpu pci class codes (7efd8804c4, Qiu Jian)
- make host dhcp lease options global (#18684) (6b60b28fa6, Jian Qiu)
- add index for token_cache_tbl to accelerate invalid token query (#18891) (83034ad10c, Jian Qiu)
- windows GPU vm should set hypervisor=off (#18692) (c909d86eab, Jian Qiu)
- update lb cluster with patch params (#18697) (1f9e8729ec, Jian Qiu)
- hot add mem check for esxi vm (#18764) (892e5daf3b, Jian Qiu)
- cloud account update aliyun billing scope (014af79b79, Qiu Jian)
- hot add mem check for esxi vm (fc3403c82f, Qiu Jian)
- customized show content of get-property (f8082b2f5b, Qiu Jian)
- baremetal: disable probe access mac by redfish driver (#18844) (f796b9567a, Zexi Li)
- climc: bash completion is not working (281716df7a, Zexi Li)
- host: setup routes from start to end (#18672) (ea9daa7246, Zexi Li)
- host: guest switch to backup (#18832) (47c94d2e21, wanyaoqi)
- host: catch init error (#18655) (d862223feb, Zexi Li)
- host: sync sriov nic bw on change config (b58bc3e8cd, wanyaoqi)
- host-deployer: update base image and fix return errors (5ce9b93ceb, wanyaoqi)
- host-deployer: disconnect fix and concurrence control (ea9ce74767, wanyaoqi)
- host-deployer: qemu deployer without kvm support (#18876) (faef1cd360, wanyaoqi)
- host-deployer,host: mv deploy driver option to common options (7969a10eaa, wanyaoqi)
- monitor: query multiple fileds from victoria-metrics (ed3d4a13dc, Zexi Li)
- monitor: update vendor to support victoriametrics topk func (f3894e3bf8, Zexi Li)
- notify: fix webhook brand (#18725) (a6ce80f4ae, gouqi11)
- regin: instance snapshot create guest fill os arch (eb4f7988f1, wanyaoqi)
- region: vendor update for aliyun tags (#18729) (cd3d7aa248, 屈轩)
- region: order by os dist (01aef4908b, ioito)
- region: vendor update (#18716) (e4a9734643, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update (#18713) (9e9c9dd2a2, 屈轩)
- region: fix db_dispatcher duplicate notify (#18700) (bce2d0a81f, gouqi11)
- region: vendor update (99dbaddb28, ioito)
- region: alloc ovn_mapped_ip_addr on host post create (d1333c61b6, wanyaoqi)
- region: avoid panic when sync aliyun redis (#18609) (b9cec7e12b, 屈轩)
- region: cloudpods uefi and generate name (a4379cc29c, ioito)
- region: skip sync meta if no public cloud register (#18829) (58ac69e8ab, 屈轩)
- region: distinct os dist field (#18769) (3c32a19364, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update (#18862) (48d62f88d3, 屈轩)
- region: vm filter by os dist (#18779) (60c960ed16, 屈轩)
- region: trim metadata key (#18781) (a79cfcf9f9, 屈轩)
- region: vendor update (#18850) (03344ff697, 屈轩)
- region: change config check traffic limit params (450e73b3cf, wanyaoqi)
- region: pve cdrom with host info (c5225d2faa, ioito)
- region: vendor update (#18624) (0a6796c325, 屈轩)
- region,host: sriov nic hotplug and metrics fix (6d926f2f28, wanyaoqi)
- util: fixed yunion.io/x/sqlchemy version (8200da5b2d, Zexi Li)
- webconsole: pve vnc support (#18605) (cfe9a91d83, 屈轩)
Chore (1)
- unnecessary use of fmt.Sprintf d (88e13652e7, guoguangwu)
Features (5)
- ci: use github action to check PR (dca1c97972, Zexi Li)
- host-deployer: use qemu-kvm as default deploy dirver (4ea36162fe, wanyaoqi)
- monitor,region,host,cloudmon: support VictoriaMetrics as TSDB backend (518bd88463, Zexi Li)
- region: add guest rescue api && download initrd from baremetal tftp server && add baremetal agent ip finder & update pic address & support ip kernel config. (b67d8fa8f3, boironic@gmail.com)
- region,climc: add set-os-info api (#18677) (b06051d6ca, Zexi Li)
Others (3)
- fix:(host-deployer): arm guest add gic version (91ca77a8a1, wanyaoqi)
- Revert "Feat/deploy guest (#18821)" (#18833) (2eff999f16, Jian Qiu)
- Feat/deploy guest (#18821) (103f1cde8d, wanyaoqi)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/cloudpods-operator
3 commits to cloudpods-operator - v3.10.8 since this release.
Bug Fixes (2)
- operator: enable host-deployer for all product versions (7a713da1, Zexi Li)
- victoria-metrics: use v1.95.1 (d854c0ad, Zexi Li)
Features (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/dashboard
18 commits to dashboard - v3.10.8 since this release.
Bug Fixes (9)
- ramda.type函数使用修复 (0fe2189a5, GuoLiBin6)
- 开源版本隐藏添加到堡垒机操作 (9340d6670, easy-mj)
- remove backup item (cd49eb4af, langzhiyun)
- 主机创建备份操作隐藏 (e4a46405e, GuoLiBin6)
- cloudaccount disable sync action when syncing (c14d3135e, GuoLiBin6)
- 9441: 新建kvm虚拟机时 高级配置没有主备机选项 (605435722, easy-mj)
- 9444: support export list data from front (7aeeb3806, GuoLiBin6)
- 9446: vminstance list export error (169db4d01, GuoLiBin6)
- 9452: 新建主机操作系统列,镜像类型增加一个全部的选项,镜像列表不过滤 (b980af02a, easy-mj)
Features (9)
- 主机快照信息从字典获取值 (53972a1ae, easy-mj)
- 增加字典映射 (545d62708, GuoLiBin6)
- 虚拟机列表,支持根据发行版排序 (21f66c369, easy-mj)
- 虚拟机列表查询,支持根据发行版过滤 (700a9997a, easy-mj)
- 虚拟机列表查询,调整系统distinct字段 (82a08c09f, easy-mj)
- 迁移成功后刷新列表 (2b808e7d5, easy-mj)
- 4552: 跨集群迁移 (be3b14be6, easy-mj)
- 4624: 虚拟机列表,支持根据发行版排序 (fc1a56b8a, easy-mj)
- 4633: add favicon.ico (51b21aaf7, GuoLiBin6)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/kubecomps
1 commits to kubecomps - v3.10.8 since this release.
Bug Fixes (1)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/ocboot
12 commits to ocboot - v3.10.8 since this release.
Bug Fixes (7)
- use include_tasks because the include module is deprecated (1d87171, Zexi Li)
- prevent NetworkManager from managing host OVS interfaces (0aaae45, Zexi Li)
- wrong NetworkManager configuration of interface-name (92f2563, Zexi Li)
- use shell environment directly when using kubectl patches resource (cc85696, Zexi Li)
- conf: 通过iso安装时,tui界面未勾选enable host agent 选项,部署完成后不应该启用 host agent (675597d, Zhang Dongliang)
- host,iso: iso 新增计算节点hotfix (ae4d3e0, Zhang Dongliang)
- version: update version from 3.10.6 to 3.10.7 (dacead8, Zhang Dongliang)
Features (5)
- ubuntu grub config support (f6a786f, wanyaoqi)
- ansible: 兼容ansible 2.16 (ef059c2, Zhang Dongliang)
- dns: 新增自定义dns入口 (c7e96dc, Zhang Dongliang)
- kylin: kylin sp3 comp (310155f, Zhang Dongliang)
- os: comp for openeuler and uos fou (8c5ad4e, Zhang Dongliang)
仓库地址: https://github.com/yunionio/sdnagent
1 commits to sdnagent - v3.10.8 since this release.
Features (1)
ec73391d98caca17856fc401bb11c86), Zexi Li)